Time’s Loop

“Good morning honored colleagues, and guests” said Fletcher “There is a major issue in today’s society, one on a scale not seen since global warming and WWIII. This problem is caused by what is thought to be THE discovery of the 27th century, pocket dimensions.”
“The discovery of pocket dimensions is indeed one of the greatest things to be invented by mankind, but like all things it comes with a price. We are on the verge of a war, not with humans, not with desieses, but with the universe itself. The extreme amounts of antimatter-matter particles used to create a pocket dimension are disturbing the balance of everything.” said Mills “We are already to far gone to correct the problem, our only hope is to decrease the amount of damage it would cause”
“We propose to open a pocket dimension where the antimatter-matter particles would not affect the equilibrium and place the entire population of the Earth there, supported by antimatter crystals” said Fletcher “Even though there are signs that point to the fact that people loose their memory upon entering at least the human race as a whole would survive.”

The UN broke into applause.
“We don’t have enough energy to create an ocean, let alone an entire planet” said Mills

“What do we have enough to create?” asked Fletcher

“Maybe a couple islands, a continent at most if we still want to have air”

“If we have 1 average size island will there still be enough room for a ocean, that would fufill our water needs”

“I guess”

“And we could make the rest of them floating islands, maybe with a antimatter-magnet pulse”
“There seemes to be a side effect with having copious amounts of antimatter inside a small area” said Mills “The robots we sent in to observe the test subjects recorded the test subjects gaining strange powers, like healing.”

“It’s to late to try to create a new pocket dimension, there’s nothing we can do”
“FLETCHER, FLETCHER” shouted Mills

“Whats the matter?”

“We miscalculated, the universe is beginning to collapse, we only have a few days”


“At least we got enough energy to last for a while, maybe they’ll figure out a way to survive or something”
“Fellow masters I have called you hear today for an important issue” said Grendal “For centuries we have lived………………………………………………….

5 days later

“So basically what your saying is Maple Island and Ossyria are beginning to collapse because some crystals are running low on energy, that wierd energy can make black portals and the black portals lead to another world?’ asked the Dark Lord.

Grendal nodded.

“…. and therefore even though we cannot utilize our abilities in the other realm and we would have trouble recalling anything that we have gone through before, because we are loosing control of our abilities whether we decide to go to the new realm or not and many areas in the realm are imploding or disintegrating without the power of the crystal we should traverse the path to the new realm instead of staying in this plane of existence” Grendal said

Upon seeing the looks of confusion Athena added “even though we won’t remember anything we should go because we soon won’t be able to control our skills and many places and being destroyed”

“Oh then I agree” said the Dark Lord
“Good morning honored colleagues, and guests” said Fletcher “There is a major issue in today’s society, one on a scale not seen since global warming and WWIII. This problem is caused by what is thought to be THE discovery of the 27th century, pocket dimensions.”
“In the end there was only the beginning.”- Someone I don’t remember
The End
Hi everyone. This was really nagging at me for a while and I wanted to relieve some stress from upcoming exams so I typed this. This is my first REAL attempt at a story (the other one didn’t count, it sucked) so don’t be to hard.

4 thoughts on “Time’s Loop”

  1. Hmm. . .Has potential.

    *put on glasses*


    Use less of the ‘—‘ or ‘___’ as dividers, instead use [ divider1 ]. Less ellipses, blahblahblah describe scenes morely, blahblah grammar, yakyakyak, blahblahblah yadda yadda yadda.

    Do what you can.

  2. *confused*

    Like Fenny said, it has potential. The idea, that is. The expression of your idea leaves more to be desired. Do the dividers mean that the stuff in between are separate episodes or what?

    And ellipses usually end after three periods. Like ‘. . .’. Yeah. XD

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