WELCOME BACK AMY! (coffeeduck)

Welcome Back Amy! We alll missed you…FOR 3 MONTHS! WHATS WITH YOUR INTERNET!?!?!? T.T Anyways, you should’ve seen me, i was like “Sigh….*falls down*” sO I QUIT MS! T.T Then i was on my e-mail, e-mailing you, never got an answer, but then one time, when i was on myspace, rainie mailed me saying ” I feel sorry for Amy…” and i was like “Why?” and she was like “Cause her internet went out!” and i was thinking ‘THATS WHY SHE NEVER LOGGED ON!” T.T But then the miricle happened on November 24th….I logged on ms, i checked my buddy, and there was the word “Coffeeduck” MUAHAHAH! But sadly you were at your cousin’s house, and you moving back home on….november 26th, but! you said your getting you internet back on november 28th! ~PARTY!!!!~ ON THE SATURDAY AFTER YOU GET YOUR INTERNET BACK, i gonna make a party for Amy whether she likes it or not…MUAHAHAHHA ~tries to think what we’ll do…~ Anyways, WELCOME BAAACK!

7 thoughts on “WELCOME BACK AMY! (coffeeduck)”

  1. fpooned said: “This should be a PM.”

    Lol, sorry, i didn’t know what PM meant when i was writing this, and i don’t think Amy knows HOW to use the Pm,

  2. ROFL! ur saying i don’t know how to use a PM! )#$*&#)$ HOW COULD YOU! >< IM NOT THAT STUPID! BLAH!

  3. coffeeduck said: “ROFL! ur saying i don’t know how to use a PM! )#$*&#)$ HOW COULD YOU! >< IM NOT THAT STUPID! BLAH!

    mayb u ARE that stupid ^.^

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