Kirby Cookie Scene

[Mcdonalds sign]

[Mcdonalds sign] <(‘ o'<) “MCDONALDS!”

(> ‘,’)> “May i take your order?”

<( ‘o'<) “I’d like a cookie

(> ‘,’)> ” Sorry we’re out we just sold the last one”

(>’O'<) “Yum yum cookie!” ~new guy~

<( ‘ o'<) “!!!”

(>’ ,’)>O “What?”

<( ‘ o'<) “I WANT COOKIE!”

(> ‘ ,’ )>O “….”

O<( T.T<) <( ‘o'<) “MIINE!”

~tHE eND~

Story in Words:

One day a little kirby named “Kirby1” Saw a mcdonalds sign
He rushed to mcdonalds
when he got there the counter kirby said “may i take your order?”
The kirby1 said “A cookie plz!”
tHE COUNTER kirby said :Sorry we’re out, just sold the last one”
Kirby1 was shocked and mad
then along came a kirby named “victim”
whom was munching on what kirby1 longed for…a cookie..
victim noticed kirby1 gazing at his cookie
and then violently kirby1 screamed “I WANT COOOKIE!”
and victim was scacred
moments later of an akward silence
kirby1 was chasing victim yelling “MIIINE!”
~The End~

Lol…Sorry…its not related to ms…but i jsut HAD to post it T.T

3 thoughts on “Kirby Cookie Scene”

  1. Yes very good plot line and I just felt like I was in the story along with the kirbies~Also the characters had much detail to them and I felt like they were long lost friends I had been searching for, yes, I must go now,


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