A Touch Of Destiny-Chapter 3

A Touch Of Destiny

Chapter 3

His lips curved into a evil grin…And he busted out of his cage…

I heard a roar through the wall.
“What was that?” I said to myself.
I hopped to the wall, pressing my ears against it.

There was an area beyond this wall…and someone–No, someTHING was tearing it apart.
I heard the roar again…
Now that it was a little clearer…My eyes widened.
“The Balrog…”
Now the wall shook. And my head was forced back.
I landed on my butt and I stared back at the wall.
There was a dent.
“Holy…”I whispered.

Then, I heard a roar again.
But it was much clearer.
That meant the balrog was trying to get through the wall.

I then realized all other students had gone into silence, staring at the same dented wall.
I backed away from the wall a few feet.
Suddenly, the wall crashed through.

Every eye that was once full of curiosity were replaced with terror as the gigantic Balrog towering right over me, came into the scene.
“REMPN! RUN!” Davyn screamed.

My feet were planted to the floor.
The balrog held its head high and roared.
It’s eyes, even crueler then I remember, stared down at me. Angrily.

My face paled, and I heard the continuous cries of Davyn.
The balrog lowered his head, to meet with mine.
I held my breath
He sniffed me with a grunt.

He rose up again and backed away slowly.
I sighed a sigh of relief.
Then, the balrog held his hand high in the air, and brought it down, smashing the rock floor before my feet.

I screamed.
And so did all the other Maplers.
I could hear their screams as they retreated from the area, the loud noises covered Gredel’s chants, and so he couldn’t hear himself.
I heard the Macis roar far away, followed by more screams.

I began to run away, forgetting that my ankle was sprained.
“Crap!” I said as I fell face-first onto the floor after the first 5 steps.
I looked back and saw the Balrog raising its hand in the air again.
I looked at all the other Maplers trapped between the Macis and the Balrog.

I could sense the fear that filled the cold air.

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to teleport.
Teleporting was actually really hard, but when I’m mad, I can teleport easier.

It was no use, I felt the ground crumble at my feet, making a giant never ending hole.
My feet tumbled in.
I squinted and used my hands to crawl away from the hole.

I slowly got up, but was knocked down immediately from its hand bashing into my side.
I was knocked against the wall.
I slowly slid down to the floor, slowly falling unconscious.
My head tilt to the side and my Circlet clattered to the floor, and my hair fell down.
I felt blood trickle from my head.

I reached up to touch it, but I was un-able to move at all.
I saw Davyn run towards me, screaming something, but I couldn’t hear him…
Everything turned blurry, and I slipped into darkness….

I woke up, and saw the rouge that I had followed here’s face.
He was looking ahead of himself, with annoyance knitted into his eyes.
What happened? I thought dizzily, as I slowly arose from his arms.

Then I heard the Balrog’s roar.
I jumped a little, looking where the roar came from.
“REMPN!” Davyn yelled.
I turned my head back, “Huh.?….”
Davyn ran towards me with a worried look on his face.
Davyn looked at the Rouge as he stopped in front of him, “I’ll take her”

The rouge nodded, and after Davyn led me away, He ran after the balrog, throwing all his icies.
I watched in awe, with all the other maplers, as he attacked the balrog.Alone.
No one ever was brave enough to do that.
A few rouges assisted the boy after things went a little rough.
But still, He was the one doing most of the attacking.

From behind me I felt someone’s glare upon me, and a shiver was sent up my spine.
I looked behind myself, but saw no one.
But…the rouges had returned.

Where did they all come from?!?

After several hours the balrog fell down with a scream of agony.
The floor shook many to the ground.
I held onto Davyn’s shoulder to make sure I didn’t fall.

I could see the smirk on the Rouge’s face.
I couldn’t help but grin for no reason at all.

Behind me, I could hear the 4 job instructors (The Dark Lord had come back too), saying “He will be revived, all students. OUT OF THE SANCTUARY!”

I raised an eyebrow as Davyn and I were pushed ahead by many amazed but scared students.
“How’s your head?” Davyn asked.
I looked up to see him, “What?”
“Your head, it was bleeding.”
“So that’s where it came from” I muttered to myself.
“Um…” I saw the Brave rouge trying to get through the crowd, and headed towards me.
I gulped and replied “Good” but right after I said that, I got a slight headache.
I squinted, resisting the urge to raise my hand to my head.

“Hey,You.” I could hear the rouge say behind me.
I turned around, stopping Davyn from walking.
“What’s your name?”
“Hmmm.…” I said, realizing that I was WALKING!
“Hey..Davyn…did some cleric heal my ankle?” I asked, ignoring the rouge.
“…No.” He replied, also realizing my ankle was healed.
I was amazed, and bent down to feel my ankle.
It didn’t hurt at all.

“What the…” I whispered softly, and rose back up.

“What’s your name?” the rouge repeated, more coldly then the last time.
“Rempn, what’s to you?”
The rouge showed a quick sign in his eyes of shock and…FEAR?
“Nothing,” He replied, “I’m Aven”
My skull felt like it was being cracked open, the word “Aven” echoed in my mind, booming.
I held both my hands to my head.

“Rempn, what’s wrong?” Davyn asked, concerned.
I felt like a hammer had just been brought down into my head.
“AUGH” I yelled in pain.

“Rempn?REMPN!” Davyn yelled, as my eyes rolled back and I slid down to the ground unconscious.

Vengeance Is The Demon
Redemption Is The Angel
The two can create a chaotic war
Or They can create an everlasting love….

—The Old Prophecy

To Be Continued…

Author’s Note

I had trouble deciding whether to go ahead and finish this chapter up today…o.0
Well, hope ya enjoyed! CLICK THE LIKE BUTTON >=O

11 thoughts on “A Touch Of Destiny-Chapter 3”

  1. I noticed that you wrote the story in a poet 4 liner *Gasps in amazement*

    I just skimmed through the story so. . *presses*

  2. MasterCheeze said: “I quit reading it after you said “And he busted out of his cage…

    Was there a snake in the cage? Or was it a eel?

  3. quang13 said: “

    MasterCheeze said: “I quit reading it after you said “And he busted out of his cage…

    Was there a snake in the cage? Or was it a eel?

    , A balrog -.-

  4. quang13 said: “A bar”log”?


    Shut up -.-

  5. snowhamster said: “

    quang13 said: “A bar”log”?


    Shut up -.-“

    What about no? lololololololololol

  6. So a log that had a face, 2 wings, 2 arms and legs came out of that teeny tiny cage? Wow.

  7. AzNxKnife said: “So a log that had a face, 2 wings, 2 arms and legs came out of that teeny tiny cage? Wow.”

    Snow thought of something else I guess that I don’t want to mention ‘.’

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