Davyn woke up with a sore throat.
He moaned reaching towards his throat. He slowly opened his eyes while rubbing his throat. He wasn’t in the field he remembered he was last in. He was lying in a soft white bed with black sheets. Davyn sat upwards and slid off the bed. His skin felt numb and scorched, his feet were sore as he walked towards a wall to lean on.
Where am I?
He noticed that there was a rose sitting on the window, gleaming. The peach colored walls were unfamiliar to him as he walked towards a door hoping it was an exit. He walked closer and reached towards the door knob…when his hand was an inch away from the knob, it turned and swung open.
“OOF!” he yelped as he was hit in the face by the door and hit the wall.
“OH NO! I didn’t know you were there! That happened on accident!” said a worried voice.
Davyn rubbed his eyes trying to focus. He saw a girl standing in front of him, trying to see if he was okay.
“Ugh…Who are you?” he groaned, covering his eyes with his hands.
“I am…Oh, that doesn’t matter! Your hurt, please, let me help.” the girl said.
Davyn moved his hands to his side and stared at the girl.
She had long brown hair that covered her eyes. She was pale, seemed like she didn’t go out much.
“Oh…I think I gave you a black eye!” she sighed.
She looked from Davyn to the door with a worried look.
“Oh…wait here please!” she yelped, scurrying out the door.
Davyn sat against the wall wondering.
Who is she? Where am I? Why am I here? Why am I still…alive?
The girl came back in with a bag of ice. She wrapped it in a towel and gave it to Davyn. Davyn put it against his eye and asked, “So…where am I?”
The girl sat on the bed staring at him, “My house.”
“Why…am I here?”
“I saved you from the forest fire.”
Davyn’s eyes widened, “The shadow I saw…” he whispered.
“Why were you there?”
“It was near my home.”
“Wouldn’t your house be caught on fire?”
“Oh…no!” she said grinning.
Her goofy grin reminded him of someone…
Davyn dropped the ice bag and his eyes widened.
Oh no! Aven and all the others!
He jumped onto is feet and slipped on the ice bag.
“OW!” he yelled, as he fell back to the floor.
The girl giggled, “What’s wrong?”
“My friends…They need me!” he stammered.
“Your friends? Where are they?”
“I cannot tell you their location…”
Davyn remembered Aven had told him to find as many allies as possible for the upcoming event.
The girl leaned in closer, her eyes growing with curiousity.
“You help us.”
“We need allies. We need to travel everywhere for allies.”
Her eyes perked, “Travel? I’d love to travel! If I could travel, I’d do anything!”
She has the wrong reasons…but perhaps she’ll learn eventually.
“Then come, I need to find my friends. How long have a been here?”
The girl looked up and said, “I’m not sure…3 days?”
“THREE DAYS?!” Davyn yelled, jumping up(this time making sure he didn’t slip).
“I need to go…NOW!” Davyn yelled.
The girl looked hurried. She looked around the room and grabbed 3 things.
Her rose, a sketch book, and a book.
Davyn did not question her and they quickly ran from the house.
Rempn found that the boy had stopped in a library.
“A library?” she asked, raising her eyebrows.
“Hold on.” he muttered, scanning a shelf of books.
Rempn decided to take advantage of the time she had in the light and she headed towards a shelf.
How to gain more strength? , Rempn read.
She put it back in its place and tilted her head to the side to read all the titles on the spines.
Hmm…Maybe some kind of…mythical book would work…perhaps even a book on magic would work for me.
“What are you looking for?” Rempn asked, noticing the boy was still looking at the books.
“A…” he said, pulling a book out. The wall disappeared suddenly (and at the angle Rempn was, she saw an entrance to something.) “lever.”
The boy motioned for her to follow as he disappeared into the shadows. Rempn stared and walked in. The path seemed to go on forever, Rempn stumbled on her feet and tripped. Reaching for something, she grabbed hold of the boy’s shoulder. The boy helped her get back on her feet and sighed and held his arm out, “Here, grab hold of my arm.” Rempn reluctantly grabbed his arm as they traveled through the dark way.
Davyn made sure that the girl stayed just behind him the whole time. He was quite surprised by how the girl was able to keep up with him. She was probably a Rouge.
“How much farther?” she asked.
“The grass is getting wetter…I suppose that means we’re close.” Davyn answered, picking up his speed. The girl was still able to keep up.
“Say, how fast can you run?” Davyn asked.
“I really don’t know, what ever will get us there faster.”
Davyn ran faster and the girl still kept up.
Perhaps she will do some good for us…
Aven paced back and forth across the room.
“I should’ve never gone alone!” Aven muttered to himself.
Dre followed him, trying to persuade him it was not his fault.
“BUT IT IS!” he would reply, “He wanted to come, but I didn’t let him!”
“Don’t worry! He’ll come back eventually!” Dre said, exasperated.
“Yea, really! Stop complaining.” said Acria.
Aven scowled, “Acria, no one asked for your thoughts.”
“Why do you despise me so much?” Acria asked angrily.
Acria was a cocky hunter. Aven and the others had recruited her about 4 months ago. She really enjoyed irritating Aven.
“Why do you think?” he snarled.
Dre signed, “Aven…”
Aven rolled his eyes and walked outside.
The smell of the moist earth seemed to calm Aven down.
“Dre is correct,” said Luzicur, “I sense two people coming this way. One could be Davyn.”
Aven’s eyes widened, Since when did you try to cheer me up?
He heard a faint gasp in his mind but Luzicur did not answer.
Aven grinned foolishly, “I guess that not all demons are uncaring.”
“Where am I?” Rempn asked once she came to another room.
It was just like a bedroom. Except it was extremely dark.
“This is where I have been staying.” the boy replied, lying on a mattress.
“Why did you bring me here?”
“I have heard your cries.” he sighed.
“In the dungeon? I’ve never pleaded for help aloud!”
“In your head, you wanted help.”
“How were you able to hear what I thought?” Rempn gasped, taking a step back.
“Don’t worry. I won’t break into your mind and control you. I can only read thoughts.”
Rempn relaxed a bit but she was still tense, “Why are you here?”
The boy sighed and looked out a window, “I never knew. They only told me of something about control.”
“Control what?” Rempn asked, relaxing completely.
“They wouldn’t tell me. Anyways,why are you here?”
Rempn bit her lip, “I don’t know either.”
“How’d you get here?”
Rempn tried to recall what had happened. It was such a long time ago she had forgotten, “I remember…I was at someone’s house. My friend left to go pick up his brother. The person’s house I was at was gone, and so was his little brother.”
Rempn hesitated to continue but the boy insisted that she go on.
“Mmm…An assassin came and took me here.”
“What about your friends?”
“I don’t know what became of them.”
“Is there any chance you went to Maple High in the sanctuary?” he asked.
Rempn’s eyes widened, “I did.”
“Did your friends go too?”
Rempn nodded slowly and confused.
“Do you know someone named…Dael?”
“Dael? I do not think so. I can only remember two people.”
The boy sighed, “Thanks for answering.”
“Why do you ask?”
“Just wondering…” he muttered, “It’s only a random name that came to my mind.”
Rempn nodded slowly, “I think the old geezer is going to visit my cell soon, I need to go back.”
The boy nodded, “You can come here any time you’re bored.”
Rempn smiled for the first time since she came here and walked into the dark exit.
The boy put his arm over his eyes listening to the voice in his head.
“Oh my…Did you hear? She doesn’t know!”, said a voice.
Yes, I heard. Are you always like this?
“Like what?”, it asked innocently.
Like you only have a third of a mind.
“If you only knew why…you wouldn’t be asking.”, the voice scolded.
Okay okay! I won’t ask!
“Good, Now lets hope she visits again.”
Hmmm . . . inneresting.
lolz a touch of dest
Thats what i thought it was too XD
Snowhammy wants to touch Dest?
I recall Dest commented about that in another one of my chapters.
He saw it in the “Latest Comments” box.
That was the only reason he opened it
Ah! Here it is, Chapter 9 link 5th comment.
i thought it was a Dest blog =O
i’m only commenting just because I wanted to see a tocuh of Dest in the latest comments. lol
Then die Jesus, Die. GO BACK TO HEAVEN AND DIE!