Pwnzoring me

Yep,I am.:3

This actually happened yesterday,but I was to tired to type. >.>;;
I don’t think I ever wrote about this,but I started working on my Bellocan warrior,.hiroshima101,yes,I think it’s a cool name too.Well,I LVLED HIM TO 21,or as I like to call it,THE PQ LVL!!

Enough about my warrior,ONTO MY SIN!He lvled to 54 and now has 19 haste,:3.
That’s about it with him. . .I sorta quit him. . .

BACK TO MY WARRIOR!He looks so cool.And broke.AND COOL.And broke.I made a new friend with
him,AsackApaNa. . .I don’t really understand his name. . .He started it out as a mean ol KSer,>.But then he invited me to train at ant tunnel,also giving me 400 red pots.So I thought ” Excellent. . .I will take his stuff and he’ll soon be just another victim. . .”.But THEN I thought to myself,”What would Waldo do?. . .”.HE’LL HIDE,so I hid in the closet and scared my bro half to death.Anyway,I played nice and made a great new friend.


BTW anyone in Bellocan wanna buddy me?I feel lonely,D:.

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