Sin Interview

*Crys* Cheeze stole my soul and is telling tales ’round the campfire! Why can’t my originality stay original? Oh well.
This one’s about 2 years old too xD.

:Thanks for coming in today.

Sirsolo: Yeah no problem.

I: So, What is it you wish to talk about today?

Sirsolo: I want to clear the names of assassins.

I: And… how exactly do you wish to do this?

Sirsolo:Simple, by telling it from our side, the bias storys told by assassins themselves.

I: Ok then. Lets begin.

I: How is it being a sin in general?

Sirsolo: Well… if you ignore the hate mail, threats and constant attacks about KSing, then we’re not bad. Personally, I love it. I wouldn’t want to be anything else.

I: Explain why sins are the center of KSing these days, is this true?

Sirsolo: No, not true at all. If you say that sins are all ****ing ksing ***s, then you’re being extremely bias. Everybody has Ksed and probably WILL Ks more during their time in MS. Sins just happen to be noticed more doing it, since everybody feels pressured to catch them in the act when they’re in the same map. Also, with our speed, we sometimes get a little carried away.

I: How do you handle yourself when somebody comes into your channel?

Sirsolo: Politely ask them to change channels, and explain the reason why. Most of the time now, its because im speed training.

I: So.. you don’t act like you own the channel?

Sirsolo: Of course not, but if they’re rude to me, then I stay and do my best to make them miserable. But ONLY then and I don’t like to do that, seeing as it’ll ruin our names. If they don’t leave, then depending on what map I’m on, there’s usually at least 1 channel where I’m alone. So, I go find it. And I’m usually right.

I: Why would you say that assassins are better then other classes.

Sirsolo: I wouldn’t. No class trumps any other class. Its all about opinion. But If you like speed, mobility, luck and shiny pretty purple numbers, then assassins are the class for you.

I: So you’re somebody who doesn’t dislike certain classes without reason?

Sirsolo: ‘Course not, if they’re a jerk, then they’re a jerk, not the class. Thought I DO have a thing against third jobbers. Most are jerks.

I: What would you say a ‘noob’ is?

Sirsolo: Most of third jobs are ‘noobs’. A noob is, in MS’ case, a KSing, Grammar lacking, egotistical stuck up, who thinks he owns the map, jsut because he’s the highest level in it. A ‘newb’ on teh other hand is a low leveled or new player. Big difference that gets frequently mixed up.

I: So what do you think of level? Is it important in MS?

Sirsolo: MS is an RPG, and thus, level is the only thing that actually matters. But this is an ONLINE RPG, and people forget that. Some people worship ‘Pros’, pros being high levels. I don’t consider Pros high levels anymore. I consider nice people pros, because they know how to handdle themselves around other people in this online world.

I: What about this whole ‘People worshiping Pros’, Is that wrong to do?

Sirsolo: in my opinion, yes. Just because they’re high leveled, doesn’t mean they deserve any more attention then the average joe. And pro haters are just as egotistical as the pros they hate. I think I’ve said pro too many times. Can we move on?

I: Yes of course. Class-wise, bowmen are the closest to you. What is the big difference between sins and bowmen?

Sirsolo: Well, mainly mobility. Sins start out faster then the other classes because of natural weapon attack. Bowmen have a ‘Normal’ weapon attack. Sins can jump attack, bowmen can’t. Basicly thats all the difference.

I: For finishing, what would you like to say to sin-haters out there.

Sirsolo: Get over yourselves, as long as we play the same game, we’re identical. When I KS, you KS back, thats how it works.

I: Thanks for your time.

Sirsolo: Don’t mention it.

~End, Hope you liked it ^^

Im not interviewing anybody but myself. Uhh.. Unless you want to be interviewed. In which case, send me a PM!

11 thoughts on “Sin Interview”

  1. XD
    You can interview me about Rangers.
    I’d give you a completely biased (and probably badly substantiated) opinon about them. ^^

    And I can so jump-shoot. Just that it’s pretty much no difference from normal attack. :X

  2. Hey ! * waves hand madly *

    I know what your next interview can be on !

    Talk about the fairness of Wizet / Nexon and that Sea isnt better than Gobal and Gobal isnt better than Sea .

  3. *Catches Fenrir’s grenade”

    *Runs to Fenrir*

    Mr Fenrir! I think you dropped something!

  4. LOL Sins Pwn F3 I think They Are The Best Class Because they level the fastest, 3rd jobers are jerks i ask can u help me they say $%^& you

  5. Justsasuke said: “LOL Sins Pwn F3 I think They Are The Best Class Because they level the fastest, 3rd jobers are jerks i ask can u help me they say $%^& you”

    Dont ask them to help you! They’re like wizet, they couldn’t care less. No really, they couldn’t.

  6. Level isn’t the only thing that matters in a MMORPG. It’s also about making friends and having fun, which is why games are under the “entertainment” category. Sins and bowmen can both jump attack, just that it is a bit harder for bowmen when they first start out.

  7. Have you ever noticed that Sins can Jump *wait* then Attack at their highest point? And Bowmen cant?

    That means that bowmen arnt made to jump attack. When you jump attack, you’re just attacking, then jumping. Useless

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