Pleumon, Episode 3

The concrete room started shaking. The man panicked and ran out the door, searching for the cause or possible for help. The light, previously shined in my face, toppled over onto the ground. I couldn’t get a look at the man, because of his hasty exit. Quite frankly, I didn’t care of what he looked like. It didn’t matter; I was leaving. The door to my left burst open in a shower of debris, sending rocks flying, and covering the room with dust. A silhouette of a humanoid briskly walked forward to the iron door, closed it, and began to weld it shut. Two more people walked in, towards me this time. One started to untie me, the other opened my eyelid and started to examine my pupils with a penlight. The rope fell to the floor, and I got up with some help from the man. I was incredibly disoriented from the initial shock wave, and the penlight didn’t help either. They walked me into the opening, and the one that was welding soon followed. We dropped down a slight dirt slope, and continued down the corridor. I noticed triangular tan colored forms on the ceiling. They were Cala mines, this tunnel would soon be sealed, erasing its existence. While we walked I was fitted with a personal Pleumon.

We were going to the outside; they wouldn’t dare look for us there. I always admired how the Ludibrium Intermuniciple Newfound Elnath Alliance and Rebellion (LINEAR) worked so efficiently. Once they escorted me out onto the blackened sunless earth, the leader took a small cylinder from his belt. He flipped a see-through cap, and pressed a red button. The mountainside we exited shook as a huge shudder went through it. The dirt caved into the opening, sealing it. As the last rocks tumbled onto the abandoned plain, I eased up.

I knew I had disappeared.

NOTE: Yeah this ones short, but knowing how many people are actually ganna LOOK at it, it doesnt matter. I could be writting about how I’m giving away my account to whoever PMs me first and you wouldn’t know (Unless you read it and if you did, Im not actually giving away my account.)

6 thoughts on “Pleumon, Episode 3”

  1. nice story and

    and lvl 32 xD i had help from my hermit,priest,and spearman friend gettin dere

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