My MMOTales life (Sirsolo)

Posting this for SirSolo because he reached his limit.

Hello, this is Sirsolo. Some may know me, some may not. I write stories. Ive written 2 stories in multiple parts on my time on MMOTales. The first few episodes went well. Over 7 likes each. The next few episodes is where my problems began. I continue writing well, it doesn’t matter if its the first part or the 72nd, its still the same quality. But why don’t people like the other parts?

They don’t see them.

Thats my problem. If my writing sucked and nobody likes it, then I’ll fix my writing. If nobody saw it, and it got deleted off the face of the earth, then its a probelm with the people. I blame people not seeing my sequals on the popular writers here, much like the person possibly submiting this, AnbuNinja04.
They simply attract all the peoples into a ‘forum’ about the blog, preventing them from seeing my blogs. I do not blame them, I blame to tunnel vision of MMOTale users. I don’t really know how to end this, other then the following.

Read Pleumon, its good and its original, and so far, I’m very excited about it. But, seeing as episode 2 barley got 20 looks, My excitment is dying down. It’ll probably hit rock bottom in 2 episodes. Also, if you’re not going to read the following parts of a story, don’t say you will in the comments. Don’t say you’re waiting for the second part. Because that just brings the writer higher up for the fall.

Pleumon episode 3 will come out tomorrow when I can post, if anybodys interested, you can break your tunnel vision then.[/endblog]


15 thoughts on “My MMOTales life (Sirsolo)”

  1. EvilStranger said: “why dont you click “edit this blog”? and delete it”

    Reached limit as well

  2. Why can’t we have the old MMOtales, where losers were actually of controlled population numbers?

  3. FirstKnight said: “Something’s fishy, I can tell, reading the last paragraph.

    (I didn’t ignore)

    Umm ok, i’ll delete it tomorrow for you

  4. i never read most stories, unless they have more than 5 replies.
    no offense, but im not really willing to spend my precious time on stories when i came to look at actual blogs.

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