5 in a Week

This is very good, very fast experience. I’ve just remembered that I have lvled 5 times in the past week. I am now lvl 41 and im almost 30%. I just did some of my basil trades and now have enough to add a scroll to my collection on my sauna. This will be my 7th scroll on this sauna and out of the other 6, only one failed. Btw theyre all 60%s, so i have a 10 luk 4 slot sauna. I will be scrolling something else to see if its a good scrolling day. Also ill be taking other ppls opinions on scrolling today to see if its a good scrollling day at all. plz post if uve scrolled, what it was, when it was, and how it turned out.

4 thoughts on “5 in a Week”

  1. Lawl, I never scroll. Every scroll I get, I sell, and the only scrolled equips I have are bought that way or hand-me-downs from my friends who love me.

    Good luck, though.

  2. I sometimes risk scrolling, but I’ve been dissapointed in the past when I’m totally broke, and a 60% Glove Attack fails. ._.

  3. I attempted scrolling an Eclipse earring once. 60% int scroll, failed miserably. And I was broke -.-;;

    My cape int scrolls have worked wonderfully well though. 4 or 6int, I think

  4. well i dont have friends that give hand me downs. -_- althought i do have friends. . but i need a friend that would give me hand me downs or just cash. i could use some cash right now. lol.

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