Of Dragons, Bosses and Charlie

I’ll get to all three of them. Eventually.

This is a Special Public Service Announcement…

Ye, so our beloved and most esteemed Guild Leader, Eona did log in to attempt Zakum once again, and did command us to remind her to purchase lunch for her own honorable consumption at 12pm.

SilverFx: You mean you’ll see it at all?
SweetFlo: Maybe we should mega. ‘EONA BUY YOUR LUNCH’

And verily, so Flo did. SMega, I meaneth.

Teh Dragon

Yep. I have finally succumbed to the cuteness of that deformed golden thing, and bought one for myself. 8D
It is so CUTE. *girly squee* :3

I call it Squishy, so it can be my Squishy! Here, Squishy, Squishy, Squishy~ XD

Eona prefers to defer about the absolute cuteness of my Baby Dragon, however. Just because she has a lvl 30 Black Dragon! >>;

(P.S. for my Black Pig: I apologise for this great act of treachery, Bakwa, but I promise! I’ll visit you someday in Piggy Haven. Or wherever it is that you go when you died. :X)

Makin’ the Moolah

Eona’s been teaching me the l33t sk1llz of Trading. With a Master like her, one can’t go wrong, I guess. ^^; (*wants to steal the Pumpkin Spear*)

She brought me shopping in the FM twice. I basically stood there, kinda stunned at the Spam generated by the crowd, listening to her instructions on who to offer and what scrolls to buy, and making stupid comments in the Messenger dialog Eona opened between us. (Ehehe. Sorry about being so spastic at times, Eona. :X)

As for reselling, I refused to spam in the FM as instructed by Mistress Eona, because ‘it’s so undignified!’, and the shopkeepers like these are out for me.

So… Basil it was for me! XD And luckily, I have gotten no bad traders. ^^ But I might be speaking too early, seeing how as there is this bidder on my list that has gotten quite a few negative feedbacks in a row. ._.

Oh well.

Anyway, the point of this is: THANK YOU, EONA~ *flyingglomp*
(‘Cuz I know how much you hate people who don’t thank you for your help. XD)

More Grrrrrrindings

I spent my recess break of one week most productively!
…If you count Mapling one’s brains out productive.

[Imagine level 83 screenshot here.]
My silly bro was taking over the training for a bit while I rushed to get out of the house and he FORGOT TO TAKE A SS! >O!

Level 84…
That was on the next day…

Level 85!
And the next. ^^

Just like my previous holiday, I had deviously taken advantage of the fact that them young ‘uns have school in the morning to snipe a training spot in TEH hottest training grounds in town right now: Singapore, Mysterious Path 3! Otherwise known as MP3.

MP3 has insane spawn with a good sniping spot (all the better to cause mass carnage in, dearie), good meso drops and a pretty good drop rate, which leads it to beat Forest of Golems hands AND feet down. I’ve earned around seven million just picking up the mesos and NPCing the underaverage drops.

One of the Ghosties even drops Steelies.
Something which I never ever ever ever ever got! >O >O

(Yes, you can tell it is a long story.)

It seems that my path with those damn Steelies are doomed to never cross.

It would drop for my party members, minutes after they take over my spot while I repot…

…or it would drop for my friend, minutes after I gave my slot to her…

…or, worst of all, it would drop for some utterly random person who was there for a few seconds or so.

I refused to party this last person, in a fit of spite. >O
I mean, I had been there for SEVEN hours, and there it goes!!

YARGH. D<![/evil Silvar]

No Slots Here!

That is, the need to keep on spamming ‘No slot, sry/Full sry/None, sry’ whenever someone CCs into the map and asks ‘Got slot?’

SilverFx: Damn, I’m sick of typing that over and over again.
SilverFx: They should have a button! Hit to say, ‘No slot! Sorry!’

The next best alternative would be to set up a game room signboard.
Which dear SweetFlo did for me. XD <3

Steelies where? (Maybe this is a better way to distract nubs…? )

Sure, you can party us. But there’s one problem.

Then, Eona came along to stalk the smexeh me. :3
(Nah, she was actually on her way to SG boss, I think. But sssh, don’t let her realize that. XD)

SilverFx: I’m so sick of saying ‘No slots, sry’
SilverFx: I’m so fed up, that I’ll punch the next person that asks!
Novv: have slot?
SilverFx: *punches Eona*
Unfortunate guinea pig the second: slot?
SilverFx: *punches Prokel too*

So at first someone was helpful…

Then she started having too much fun. >>;


<3 Charlie~
Charlie is my new puppet-and-crow-buddy. Say hi to Charlie! Isn’t he so cute! :3 *cuddles Charlie and smooshes the grumpy crow on his shoulder*
(I haven’t found a name for the crow yet, oh darnations!)
(Yes, I insist on nicknaming my inanimate in-game companions as well. When I get my Silver Hawk, he’s going to be called Opossum. For the hell of it. ^^)

That Charlie makes a very cute sat’d-on rubber-duckie noise whenever he takes the damage for me? <3 <3
Ah, what a sweetie.





Eona Silvar-napped me into Crimson Balrog hunting on the Ship(s) to Orbis. Before that, she dragged me to Ludi to mass purchase ‘To Orbis’ tickets so that I would stop whining about the mesos wasted every time we re-logged.

It didn’t stop my whining much. One hundred thousand mesos for ten tixs! D:

Anyway, so whilst we were searching for a ship with C’rogs, Eona challenged the guild people to make her laugh over the phone for 30 secs straight, promising a monetary reward.
Trust me, no amount of money can compensate for that hearing loss. *rubs ears*

Foolish Dern (the on-and-now-off-again guildie of ours) picked up the challenge, but ended up holding a phone conference that included himself, his brother, Eona and me. It was really fun, chatting and all. The best part was still ganging up on Eona to tease her about her pronunciation. XDXD

We got so carried away talking, that Eona and I almost forgot that we were C’rogging. So when two big flappin’ behemoths suddenly spawned, it was all ‘AAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!CROG!OMGOMGOMG!!CROG!!’ and frantic screaming over the phone!

On the screen, however, it was nothing but a silent scramble for the doubtful safety of the cabin while Eona got to work. While I tried to get some SSes, I had to pot like crazy as those monsters flapped around, because a single touch brings my HP down to a very very low 100.


Yeah, I know I was supposed to kill them, but WHO CAN BLAME ME FOR LOVING LIFE MORE! D:

Ludibrium Pwnt j00

j00 = SilverFx

Anyhow, after Crogging, I wandered back to Ludibrium with the vague idea to expand my BL to thirty slots.
I’m too sentimental to delete all my old buddies, even though they’re all like, not alive anymore. >>;

Then I dragged Eona along with me to help me hunt for Cracks of Dimension. :3 Thank you again, EonaNubcake. <3

But uuh, somethingsomethingIwalkedintoabigPirateShipsomethingortheother. Pwnt #1

The next day, Stephen and I went on a mission to clear my other Ludi quests, including that silly one that requires you to get some medal or another.

It was a liek, zomgwthbbqSEXEH experience. Stephen froze the mobs for me, and I just spaaaaaaaaaamed Strafe at them. omgFlasheeeey. And he’s so good at luring the mobs away from me when I needed to make a run for it, lol. XD

I still remain in Awe of him. :3

We went into Deep Ludi, and found that squatty looking thing called the Gatekeeper.
Same modus operandi: he froze, and I Strafe’d. Counter-pwnt!

But something wonky happened to my arrow keys soon after; my Right key jammed! Like, ‘Haha, I see you’re having too much fun, so I shall wonk up RIGHT NAO! L0L0LZ!!1!’
So whilst I looked on in horror, Silvar the in-game character skipped happily forwards, sidled right past my brave protector Stephen and *wham!* right into Mr Meano Gatekeeper.
Pwnt #2: OHKO! >O!

My key still remained jammed. Even after I spawned in town, my character kept walking forwards… and right off a high ledge.
50HP (leftover from death) – 30HP(fall damage)= 20HP, wt f?
Luckily, I didn’t fall any further. Because then, I would have just died again. In town. -__-

I dragged Stephen back again, hell-bent on revenge. We killed a couple more Gatekeepers, but I think they kinda like, ate the Medal for supper last night and it hadn’t quite gone through their digestive system yet.


After a while, we gave up. Hnngh.

Stephen led me past the Gatekeeper map, and brought me to this pretty place to take a break. *Ooh, shiney*

According to Stephen, it is a popular place for marriage proposals.
I have never heard of anything like that before. o_O

I mean, who the hell proposes in a place where you have this big marble tombstone sitting right there at the side? That’s gotta be quite a killer for the romantic ambience, no?

Then again, people have strange fetishes. Hmm.

Flo came to visit moi again, and we entertained ourselves acting stupid and training our Dragons whilst Stephen AFK-ed.

Um. The Wheelchair Bound unite?

And since Flo the Pro was there, she offered to bring us to Thantanos! On one hand, I could continue to hunt for the Medal, and on the other, we could like, just have some fun.

Fun. Right.

Pwnt #3
Yey, another Boss to add to the ‘Been there, Died there’ list!

After all that… I didn’t get no Medals still. -__-

Whatever. I guess Thanatos got a little hungry during suppertime too. I mean, poor dude, hanging out so far deep into Ludi. I don’t think PizzaHut makes deliveries to such a remote place, hmm? Imagine, a life with no anchovies, pepperoni and Hawaiian Pizza. You gotta feel for that monster, man.

Oh ya. Mr WolfGuy184 came over to SEA to play~ He’s trying to make an unfunded dexless ‘Sin, that crazy dude. >P
I managed to wolfnap him into Incendiary too. >D And from there on, we can TAKE OVER THE WORRRL-


Quick! Need distractors!

*scatters Cookie* End of the Blog! Whee!

15 thoughts on “Of Dragons, Bosses and Charlie”

  1. Lol i though u needed a little extra pocket $
    so oh well
    I aint some pastry D:
    And yes,bow to me now! >D
    And i got my medlel fom my 3 or 4th thantos

  2. *cackles* Yes! Those cookies worked out just as I’ve planned! *rubs hands in ebil glee*

    @Eona: Nubcakenubcake~ :3 I’ll bow to you if you’d admit you’re the Queen of Nubcakes~

    @Fenny and repty: *squishes Squishy*

  3. lol squishy ^^ man i wish pets didnt expire, they’re so cool. For some reason, your blogs always makes me want to play MS again,

  4. I originally wanted Carnations, XD.

    Okay. I’ve decided. The crow shall be Tarnations!

  5. Uh, I thought the comic was talking about demons being Charlies, but it was acutally Roys. Either way, funniness. Perhaps you should read all the comics, Silver? 😮

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