Murdering Sacks

So I got a little bored and decided to level up my noobie warrior, Gemina the hard way. Previously, I left her in the hidden room on the 10th floor of Orbis Tower, with dear old Huckle, and slowly crawled up to 2x from level 15 using the Huckle quest (‘huckling’ is the slang I prefer).

Motivated by boredom, I decided that I ought to do some honest training with this warrior, so I happily took a Fish Spear and started whacking Jr Sentinels. Inefficient training though, but if I was lucky, two or three power strikes would do the trick. I even got a drop: a lvl 30 Female thief top. Not bad for someone just fooling around.

And being stingy, in between wild whacking sprees, I’d leave Gemina on the sky-blue chair in a safe spot to regenerate and alt-tab to do other stuff. This time, however, I made the mistake of leaving her on a wide ledge.

It must have been a pretty tempting target. A noobie warrior in lvl 15 armour, sitting on a sky-blue chair, on a large platform. I didn’t even alt tab this time, so I was puzzling out my homework in front of the computer monitor, and suddenly, ‘[insert omnious slam of a tombstone]’, I heard the omnious slam of a tombstone.

I looked up, and stared at that very screen there. A tombstone, with robots waltzing around it in a danse macabre. Amusing on hindsight, but not at that point in time.

10% gone, just like that. Boy, was I mad. It was a 10% more precious than any other because it was the first time since bringing Gemina to lvl 15 that I ever really started using a warrior. I even remember swearing over my own grave that if I found out who that murderer with sacks was, I’ll stalk him until he was afk and dump all 8 of my own sacks on him. I’m not sure if it was that sin there who was the culprit, but he did avenge my warrior’s spirit, so I’m halfway grateful.

Which brings me to this: how fair is it to dump a summoning sack on afk characters? It would be amusing to see a noob die, but still, not a very good introduction to the Maple community at large.

How about mages/thieves versus warriors/bowmen? Afterall, the first group does lose lesser EXP then the second, teh LUK-y people.

I think I shall use my summoning sacks to experiment for safe places (other than the cash shop) to afk. I have this theory that tiny platforms wouldn’t work, but I’m not sure…

20 thoughts on “Murdering Sacks”

  1. if you stand on a tiny platform, summoning monsters there would knock you off the platform so the person who wanted to kill you has to waste more than one sack. But of course one could always summon balrog, then no where except the fm would be safe

  2. A balrog sack costs about 3m in MapleSEA now; the chances of afking in a place crowded enough to tempt a rich enough person are quite slim, especially for me. XD

    Anyone knows if the summons spawn at the very spot you stand on, or in the direction you face or something?

  3. aw comon its fun =P i killed like 3x of newbies whit aliens saks ( i think its an anti-stress) try it

  4. Its fair to kill afk people because you shouldnt go afk. It takes up space and is unfair for the people trying to get into the server.


    XD that is so true it fun kill other players since maplestory doesn’t have PVP summoning bag is the only way to kill players i do this alot just for the hell of it

  6. , so it’s anti-stress therapy to some that you are making others upset? That’s just twisted.

  7. It can go both ways. I’ve had people summon on me before, and I’ve done the summoning as well.

    For the former, I always took it lightly. Truth be told, I never found it particularly upsetting despite the loss of exp. The reason being the hilarity of having monsters in a place where they’re not supposed to be. It’s just a game. If a summoning bag is going to kill me anyway, might as well enjoy the moment and the mass of graves in the middle of a city.

    For the latter, I don’t see much point in using a summoning bag on someone who is AFK, particularly if it’s just one person. I’ve mainly used it in Henesys (city and hunting ground) and Kerning PQ area, where there are crowds. Usually, we’d call others before the summoning and the message kind of spreads. Then, we get to see a whole bunch of high lvled gamers coming over just to attend the “event”.

  8. Killing people is fun so it keeps people happy.
    Yea i nearly killed a lv 112 priest with robots once lol

  9. Killing pros is just wrong IMO. They work a long time to get that exp you just took away from them. At the risk of contradicting myself: killing noobs is kind of fun. They can get the exp back in a matter of minutes. My favorite is luring flying aliens into them at hill east of heneys.

  10. OvenToasted said: “Killing pros is just wrong IMO. They work a long time to get that exp you just took away from them. At the risk of contradicting myself: killing noobs is kind of fun. They can get the exp back in a matter of minutes. My favorite is luring flying aliens into them at hill east of heneys.”

    I agree about the pros. As for the noobs, it only applies for below lvl 15. Somehow, after lvl 15, training becomes more and more of a drag.

  11. argh! Killing is just wrong! Boo to everyone who thinks its fun. Haha, just a piece of my mind.

  12. I had some fun at Henesys Hunting ground I with all 11 of my bags once. So much death, but it was hillarious. The best place is by portals that low levels go through often, so it hits them unexpectedly when the screen loads.

  13. yea some ppl use summmoning bags in ludi pq when its at bonus or something to mess the acers up
    but i think thats fair

  14. u guys dont get it! the alien sacks summoned 3 chief greys! so i killed them all =D

  15. LOL the panda is named PanDit, and i killed a lvl 1xx CB with robots ( he had no armor on )

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