¤ Something Evil This Way Comes
After a brief discussion, Silver and Brandon decided not to open the Summoning Sack in the training grounds, as the girl and Grendel usually did for their observations. After all, Brandon reasoned, they werent supposed to be seen with the Summoning Sack. They needed somewhere deserted enough so that no one would discover them or get injured accidentally by the released beast.
The swinging lamp threw crazy shadows all over the walls of the stairway near Silvers rooms as she descended the staircase before Brandon, the lamplight playing out all over the dark space.
How about this place? Stopping at the bottom of the steps, Silver held the lamp higher to light up more of the wide landing the staircase ended at.
Hmm. She heard Brandons footsteps fall silent behind her as the warrior stopped to consider the landing. I think heres alright.
They got to work quickly. Silver set up a warding line with Magic Stones from her backpack, arranging the Stones in a formation that she had seen Grendel create so many times before. Meanwhile, Brandon looked through Silvers notes of past observations, helping her point out the mistakes that she might make.
Placing the last Stone in place, Silver stood up to survey her handiwork. The Magic Stones formed a half hexagon on the floor against the far wall of the landing, their sparkling rainbow facets connected by streams of light barely visible in the dim light. Once the wards on the Sack completely break down, the warding line would activate to form a barrier against the wall, trapping the creature in a magical barrier that would keep all within its lines from escaping.
Silently, Brandon handed the Sack over to Silver. The young girl then stepped cautiously over the line of Magic Stones to place the Sack at the centre of the half-hexagon, careful not to nudge any of the Magic Stones out of place. Any gaps in the formation would render the warding line ineffective.
And that would be very fatal indeed.
With slightly shaking hands (oh, but what if something went wrong!), Silver cut the rope that held the Sacks mouth shut, breaking the wards spelled into the hemp. As the ropes fell away, the runes on the black material of the Sack started to brighten gradually, signalling the starting of the countdown to the complete break down of the wards on the Sack.
Then, the creature within will be unleashed.
Stepping away quickly from the Sack, Silver made her way over to Brandon on the other side of the warding line to await the creatures impending release.
You know something? Brandon suddenly spoke up, moving to stand closer behind Silver.
No. What is it? Silver answered, watching the runes on the Sack glow brighter with every passing moment. It wouldnt take too long now, she thought, as she looked over the arrangement of Stones again from where she stood, nervously checking for any mistakes they might have missed.
You really are a wonderful girl, you know. I dont think I can find another quite like you
You tell me that all the time. Silver smiled a little at his compliment, although she noticed something odd about the way he said it. Why are you telling me this now?
The only response from Brandon was to shift the quiver on her back aside and then reach around to hug her gently from the back. Brandon! Not now. She pushed at his arm gently, The Sacks about to open.
But Brandon did not move away.
Im going to miss you, you know. His voice sounded very strange now, almost as if he was sad about something.
What? But, why would you miss me? Silver said, puzzled now. I will still be around the Library after my Apprenticeship. We can even go exploring the world together after I earn my Ad Lib robes. Ill stick so close to you, there will be no chance for you to miss me at all.
Its not that, Brandon sighed and changed the subject abruptly. What do you think of me, Silver my girl?
Why are you acting all silly now? Silver asked, perplexed.
Just answer me. Brandon kissed the side of her neck. Please?
I dont know. Youre alright, I guess. Silver answered distractedly, unsure of what to say. Could we please concentrate now? I dont think we should fool around right now.
Hmm. A non-committal sound from him.
Why is it taking so long? Brandon asked now, sounding a little impatient.
Is it? Silver was surprised. I think its quite normal.
Maybe you did something wrong? Could you go check? He loosened his embrace and gave her a little pat on the shoulder.
Alright. Silver walked away from Brandon, crouching down before the sparkling line of Stones to inspect it.
By the way, Brandon started to say. I think its time that we rethought our relationship, Silver my girl.
What do you mean? Startled at his words, she looked back at him, one eyebrow raised. Whats wrong with us?
You cant mean you want to break up with me?! Silver said in disbelief, still looking up at Brandon from where she crouched on the floor. It seemed all too sudden to the young girl, but the calm deliberate way that Brandon stated his intentions did not suggest impulsiveness. Why?
He shook his head sadly, the scarce light in the space obscuring his face in shadows. All your questions. About Veronica, about our Project You dont trust me anymore, right?
Truly shocked now, Silver stood up, her grey eyes full of bewilderedness. But-
Brandon came up to her, his black eyes glinting in the scant light from the lamp, and grasped Silver by the shoulder with one large hand. You suspect me of cheating, dont you?
Silver was speechless for a moment, utterly confused as to why Brandon was bringing all that up at such a critical moment. There were barely moments before the monster became free and here he was, talking about breaking up?
That wouldnt do at all. At Silvers stunned silence, Brandons lips twisted into a dry smile. Wouldnt do to have my Project partner and girlfriend thinking and, even worse, telling others all these bad, untrue stuff about me
Brandon stepped even closer to Silver now; the girl could not move away, forced to freeze in place by the crucial arrangement of Stones behind her heels and Brandons steel grip on her shoulder. Plagiarism, infidelity such scandalous tales! Enough to destroy my good reputation and totally ruin my chances of getting honours for the fifth year in a row. And I worked so hard to make sure that Ill get it too
But I dont understand! Her grasp on her War Bow was slack, as she struggled to come to terms to what was happening. She stared at Brandon blankly, suddenly feeling as if she did not know this man standing before her at all.
Poor Silver, you sound so confused. Brandon stroked her cheek, a look of almost genuine pity on his face. Think about it. Why would an Ad Lib like me pay so much attention to an Apprentice like you? Unless, she had the direct backing of an influential Master, like say Grendel?
You were using me?!
Dont say it like that, you make it sound so wicked. Brandon pulled her closer to hug her around the shoulders, but Silver felt no warmth in that embrace now. She wondered if there had been any there at all in the first place. I was just thinking about my future career prospects, a perfectly reasonable thing to do, really. But Im afraid that they got increasingly bad once I heard that you suspected Veronica and I of plagiarism.
He sighed again, a soft regretful sound. Silver could not move, the feeling that her entire world was completely disintegrating around her growing more unbearable by the second. Her voice, when she finally spoke, was plaintive. But you said you love me.
Did I? Brandon stilled for a moment, as if considering her words. But he was watching the Sack over Silvers head, noting that the runes on the Sack were now blindingly bright. Yeah, maybe I did. A small hope rose in her then, but it was quickly squashed when she saw the handsome empty smile that spread across his face.
But I just dont love the way my plans will go all out of whack with you around. Its sad, isnt it? He asked, seeing the tears that were in her eyes. Dont worry; Ill make sure that I present our Project the best way I can. And when the honours ceremony comes around, Ill collect the honours on your behalf. Whats that word for it posthumously?’
Ill miss you so much, Silver my girl. Goodbye. Those were the last words Brandon breathed into her ear, before he stepped away quickly and gave her a hard shove.
Silver stumbled backwards across the line of magic stones and landed hard on her back as she tripped over her own feet. Her War Bow flew out of her grip as she released it to break her own fall, bouncing and skidding to land near the wall. At the same moment, there was a loud resounding crack as the wards on the Sack finally gave way.
Silver scrambled upright, not stopping to nurse the bruises from where she had fallen painfully on top of her own quiver. There was no time! However, even before she could regain her balance, the warding line of Stones activated and a huge shimmering barrier sprang into existence, shutting her off from the outside. Sobbing with fear now, she hammered on the barrier, but it held as the spells had dictated.
Help me! She cried, her voice echoed strangely as it bounced off the impenetrable barrier before her. But Brandon only shook his head. She saw him turn to disappear into the shadows beyond the glow of the barrier, but not before he bent down to scoop up the abandoned Project portfolio from the ground. It was all that he really needed from her, all this time.
A second crack of displaced air, louder than the first, echoed through the small space. A dark, dark shadow stretched and fell over her, eclipsing even the light of the barrier in front of her.
Something evil this way comes.
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FINALLY. You wouldn’t believe how incredibly difficult it was to re-write this part. I had it all perfect and ready to go… then the Flash Drive Tragedy occurred. BUT HERE IT IS! I swear I have never felt more relieved to get something done. *whew*
Oh, wow. Fiftieth chapter. I really am long-winded, aren’t I? PH34R NOT. THERE WILL BE MORE TERROR TO COME! MWUAHAHA. HAHAHA. Haha.
Ha. >.>
Cookies! Multi-flavoured Pick-Your-Favourite-Flavour cookies! ^^ No nuts, though. I probably am nuts enough.
On Maple-related news: SilverFx is lvl 64 now!
IM FIRST!Thanks to SIlver’s IM!
Danke, Silver. Thou art loved. *reserves comment*
Kickass chapter as always. ANd Brandon really deserves that long slow death described in a gory manga someone sent to me once. Gave me nightmares, man.
Still waiting to see how Silver gets out of this, dont make me have to wait until my first leave from conscription to read it, yes? *pokes*
I haven’t started on yur seris yet =( but don’t worry i’m reserving this week for it. =) last week it was tales of the, yah but sounds good
muwahaha teh awesome person who gets you to front page is. . :MEH!
Brandon should have a death similar to one of the Final Destination 3 people. . lol. .
I must stab him to death. *grabs three knives*
Brandon, I’m everywhere you go, hunting yooh down. . .^_^
Brandon is a deek. D<
I’m not even going to bother naming ill fates for him, he’s fallen far beneath my notice. VERCHIIIEL!
Does all this happen before or after the first chapter?
Because Silver is an Ad Lib in the first chapter.
Just the kind of thing I like, the twist, the betrayal, the angst =D
You setted it up perfectly. 12/10
And the suspense, nice *understatement*
Brandon go jump off a duck.
I mean it. Seriously.
I mean it. Seriously.”
truer words have never been spoken
Dam, I wanted the flaming chainsaw, =( Oh, well, I’ll just have to settle for the shotgun.
By the way, it would be funny if Silver goes “coolZ LET ME OUT! Wait, Oh, yeah, ” *Nudges magic stone out of place*
15th like for the 50th blog!
Shotgun? Please! Gimme a plasma rifle anyday!
Excellent story. I could almost feel the growing tension as the countdown got closer to zero.
That evil and loathsome Brandon. I place a curse on him. MAY HIS HAIR CATCH ON FIRE!
50 chapters! WOOO! Go for 75 now! That is, if you need to.
@Tninja: Will probably need to. Unless you want a 4k words per blog kind of thing. XD I might even hit 100!
Imagine, I’ll overtake AznRiceFan as the longest fiction ever in existence on MMOtales. 
@kor3a4ever: Uh. If the stone was nudged out of place so easily by what’s trapped inside, then there is no point for the warding line, yes? XD
@mrlumpy: It happens before. It’s a flashback, sans those pretty little headings of ‘***@@@FLASHBACK@@@***/ ###STILL FLASHBACK###’ some fanfic authors love so much. I personally think it’s unprofessional. XD
@the rest of the people trying to get a piece of Brandon: You’ll have to get in line, because I/Silver haven’t got my/her turn yet! XD
True that, Silver, but I won’t have anything to beat/chop up after you’re done with him.