dna 01

Hi everyone! this is my first blog so plz tell my how to improve

The icy winds of El Nath cut through my face like daggers, but it was far too late for regrets now. If I was going to become stronger, here is where I must train. I’ve been walking for what seems like hours but still no sign of life anywhere. The snow begin falling more and more, if I do not find shelter soon I would surely freeze to death. Luckily I spot a cave in the distance and decided to camp there for the night.

I awoke only to find that I was no longer alone. Seems this cave was the home to a very agitated yeti. I stood frozen with fear. What to do at a time like this I thought to myself. Just then the yeti swung its massive arms and struck my stomach. I must have flew twenty feet. Thank god I landed on the soft snow. I stood up and decided the best thing to do was to make a run for it. The yeti seemed to know my plan and shook the ground with its gigantic body causing an avalanche. When the snow cleared the yeti was nowhere in site. Well this training plan totally backfired guess I’ll head back to Orbis now. I started my way back but tripped over something. I stood up and noticed it was a block of ice, as I looked closer I realize theirs a girl frozen in the ice! An hour later we arrived at Orbis. I opened the door to my house and popped on the bed, forgetting about the girl beside me, thawing.

The moonlight shined upon the stranger’s head revealing the letters G and M. “Quick come and see this”! Said a second GM. There, laid a body covered in blood. We better alert the Kerning GMs and inform them another Gm has been murdered.

plz press i like this blog XD

One thought on “dna 01”

  1. Please make it a little longer. Also it’s suppose to be sight, not site. The rest is pretty good.


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