Just some simple things to ponder.

Well I haven’t written anything for about a week, so busy you know.

Well I’m not going to bother you with how my training went because that’s boring. However I am going to bother you with what I think about while training.

When I’m training I usually just phase out and start thinking about stuff. I’ve come to realize that MapleStory is an escape. It’s an escape from life and its worries. However, I find that ironic, because people then start to have problems within the game itself like having no money to buy equips and friendship problems. So then people start quitting because it starts being how their real life is.

Another thing I think about is that MapleStory is also a place where we can have power. For example people sometimes wish they weren’t helpless and want more power maybe even magical power and MapleStory provides that but then it just goes to show how power hungry we are as humans. Once we get our first attack we want more we want all the new attacks(Third job).

Yea that’s pretty much how my brain works lol alright bye~.

4 thoughts on “Just some simple things to ponder.”

  1. Insane People > Power Hungry People

    That is, of course, in my own deranged, insane, psychopathic, schizoid opinion .


    People who adore power would do anything to get it, even through illegal means, or legal means, whichever.

    They spend all their time on their plans to achieve power .

    Thats how I think .


    My thinking may be biased, of course .


  2. Well that is true regardless of what we say, we all know we play this game for a reason, just alot of people dont know. but i dont think that people leave because maple starts to have refferances to our own life, but i think its because sooner then later, our live become sort of intergraded with maple, thus adding to the circle of drama.

  3. Don’t get me wrong there are many reasons people leave or quit I’m just saying that this is only one of the reasons.
    EDIT: Oh and yea I also think the main reason people get addicted to maple is their friends on maple. If you really want to quit erase your buddylist. Most likely you’ll never come back to the game again.

  4. I think about stuff like that all the time but I never remember what I was thinking about XP

    ~Genius unrealized by the community

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