More losers to report (Broa Hackers)

First screenshot: Lvl35 Bandit vaccing ratz on Eos 99th floor.
Second & Third screenshot: Lvl37 Fighter with fly hack and vac hack (probably godmode too) in right corner of Ant Tunnel IV.

Before any of you pro-hacker noobs start whining about how I wasn’t even training at eos or ant tunnel or whatever, just know that my guild-mate Gina was training at Ratz and so I went to help. I don’t care what you have to say.

While I was healing in Perion I saw ShiningSta12 floating around, then she taxi’d to Kerning, I followed her there and told everyone to report, then she scrolled to Sleepywood. I followed her to Ant Tunnel IV where she stopped and floated to the top right corner and vacced all the monsters on the map. She’s currently there right now.