The Paper Hell RP: Taelin

Well, yeah. . .

Character: Taelin
Age: 8
Gender: Female
Element: Pure energy converting/control of electronic stuff
Weapon: Maybe the Pooky she carries around [Unconfirmed]

Biography: Born and raised in Veneficus City, Taelin knows the city by heart, which makes her a useful guild member. Though both parents are civilians, Taelin was born a mage, which is rather rare in the mage community.

Taelin discovered her powers while on a camping trip with her school. One night, she snuck out of the tent, when it started raining. The thunder and lightning were clashing, and a zap of lightning struck her. She expected pain, but instead, the half-broken flashlight in her hand shore like the batteries was brand new.

Taelin, being Taelin, boasted about her strange experiences at school the instant her class came back from the trip. Somehow, Twilight had gotten hold of her story, and instantly recruited her to the guild.

One thing that was forgotten in the above paragraphs: Taelin’s also a genius. (Total rip-off of my little Arty Fowl <333) (Though the smart thing is the only thing they’ll have in common) Last time her IQ was checked, Taelin’s IQ was well over 200. Who knows how much it may be now?

For her intelligence, Taelin was put under the security system. Also happens to be Guru’s department, and he’s not entirely pleased that Twilight had put him with a child partner. Her favorite thing to do while working with Guru on the security is to constantly annoy him, knowing she has the upper hand. He would never try to put a spell on her, because, and only because she is younger.

((*cracks knuckles* I really like getting under people’s nerves. Guru, you’re my new bait!))

Often laughed upon her non-magical heritage, Taelin makes sure no one gets a second chance to tease her about it. Let’s just say they will never speak again, or move, for that matter.

Despite all her IQ, Taelin is still a child, and possesses childish qualities, such as stamping feet, pouting and the world famous puppy dog eyes. She also carries with her a Pooky Beanie Baby© teddy bear, which may or may not be her official weapon. Last but not least, her familiar, like Argent, speaks to her, but her familiar resides in the form of a miniature fairy floating nearby her. Though invisible to the civilian eye, this “familiar,” Elon, he is perfectly visible to a mage

Overall, she has the intelligence beyond many adults, and has the imagination of a child, which comes in handy a lot of times.