I’m going down the drain.

I have no idea why I’m still up.
It’s 2:04am here, and I’m wide awake.
Just finished reading Ice Covered Road to Dreams once more and I cried, yet again.

I’m wonder, what is wrong with me?

I can’t level on MapleStory, I can’t study for my tests. My concentration is falling apart, and I’m just waiting.
Waiting for what?

I’m feeling depressed, I don’t know why.
I was fine a few hours ago, but now, I’m just…

I think back in time, to the mistakes I made.
Why am I doing this?

He doesn’t care anymore.
Why must I cling on?
Why can’t I let it go?
Let it rest.

I’m going insane, I seriously think I am.
What the hell is wrong with me?

15 thoughts on “I’m going down the drain.”

  1. Chill
    lol i suck at advice, i utterly do
    just um relax, and like stop going onto comp all the time
    just find somewhere comfy to lie
    and just relax
    that all i can really say lol
    go talk with friends or something fun
    try relaxing xD
    if u really feel like nothing, do wat i do
    just say
    life’s life, or somthing like that
    just chill
    lol i utterly suck xD

  2. Shatred said: “Heh heh. . .ha. . .
    I’m seriously going emo.”

    emo ugh
    please don’t
    im begging
    this is one thing that i hate most

  3. so am i, juz relax chill ok,

    life is unfair and i’m horribla at advice to so jzt try not to get emo, and read my blog “plz read! funnay”

    lol, it might cheer u up


  4. link
    lol something that always cheers me up everyday lol
    and if u want to see more click the vault
    only good thing on that webby so dont bother browsing xD

  5. go read/watch something funny.


    go read or watch something funny (am i repeating myself?)

  6. =O You can come visit me in Australia! And Dez and ILC too! C’mooooon. xD We could cheer you up! I MEAN, STAY A WEEK WITH US AND TELL US YOU’RE NOT CHEERED UP. xD Or just embarrassed/pissed out of your brains. xD

  7. First of all, realize that what you’re feeling is fine.
    “Depression is how you learn to live Life.”

    Second, all you can do is
    understand yourself a bit more
    And then try your best to get better :]

    We’re here for you! <3

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