Maple Love Story (VI)

JesusFreak has BEGGED for a special appereance and so here we go >.>

“JACK!!!” Bully screamed,”EXPLAIN THIS!!” he said holding up a photo of him and Georgia making out in the back alley.
“Sir, really, don’t remeber anything from last night….” Jack tried to explain.
“Don’t gimme that sh*t Jack!!” he said,”I’ve heard it all before.”
Jack must’ve got something out that,”Go away, I’ll tell you what happened later,”
Bully nodded and left the tent, the shadowy figure looked at him, weilding two dragon tails, one in each hand. Jack gulped as he raised them into the air,”Die!!” the fighure screamed, Jack shrugged and rolled quickly to the right, bringing his foot up and colliding with the figures face, a sharp crack was heard, the figure flew into the flapway of then tent.
Jack picked up the dragon tail, he put on his sneak armor and headed out, leaving a note to Georgia reading:

Gone to see Auntie,
Be back soon,

Jack wandered out the camp, only to be greated by the band of Asassins he saw the previous night, the hermit stepped forward,”Where are you going?” he demanded.
“Anywhere but here!” Jack said wandering out the camp, only to be stopped by hasted Asassins,”Take him!” the hermit ordered, Jack jumped backwards, drawing his Dragon Tails and using Assultar on the Hermit, taking him out in one, the Asassins threw stars at him, he used savage blow to dodge them, jumping into the air and using savage blow on each and every asassin left him with another hermit, ths is where the true challenge begun.

As Jack stood there trying to regain breathe, ther hermit automatically cast copy cat and jumped around casting Lucky Seven, Jack dodged everyone of them, but one hit him in the left arm, he fell to the ground,”Heh, don’t underestimate me.”
Jack looked up at him,”To cocky for your own means…” He then cast Meso Explosion whih sent the Hermit flying and breaking his back on impact with the floor, Jack hasted himself and ran on, jumping left and right dodging the Iron Pigs and using savage blow on the Fire Hogs, he ran to the Port, he bought a ticket and headed to Victoria, he boarded the ship and entered his cabin.

How long has it been? two…Maybe three hours….I’m going on upper deck…

Jack slipped on some trousers, his muscular torso was shown off in the sun, a figure approached him rom behind, picked him up and thew him overboard, Jack didn’t scream, he caught a windowsill, if it didn’t get any worse, Balrogs came and swung for Jack, he dodged and launched himself into the window, he then ran into his room slipping on his sneak armor and dragon tails, he ran out and looked at the people crowded in the corner, the balrog was going to wing at the poor beginners, Jack jumped and swung his dragon tail at his arm, black blood squirted over him and the beginners, he chased the other balrog then used savage blow to slow him down. The Balrog turned and cast a SoulTrapper, Jack hit the last hit, only to be sucked into a weird universe, he started to spiral downwards.

Down…When will I stop?……Ow! Was that a rock?….Wait, what’s that? AHHH HELP!!



6 thoughts on “Maple Love Story (VI)”

  1. by the way, a short intermission will come cause I fell out wit dad so er yeah >.>

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