Few legit 3rd jobs

I stay in ludi almost all the time, as i like training on teddies and potions are cheaper there.

I was checking out channel 1, and i found a total of 7 3rd job people. The screeny is of the the only 3 out of those 7 who weren’t hackers. I found 1, who’s obviously a hacker (lvl 114 DK, has nothing but a lvl 50 spear, 0 fame). He even said hacking is ok (although wouldn’t admit to hacking himself). I found 2 more, who i think are hackers (lvl 80+, no more than 20 fame), finally, i saw one who hacked at grims (a bandit and i tracked him with dark sight on). Those three were legit, and gave me information on hackers. Finally, i know 3 other 3rd job people who aren’t hackers: one, a Sader, buddyed me; another, a DK, i heard is an ex-hacker, who smartly reformed and is legit now; and a priest, who never hacked. I have written down many 3rd job names (i wanted to track em, and see when khaini could take on zakum), but too many are hackers. Why can’t people play legally?!?!?!?!?!
People stink.

Thanks for reading.

PS: If you play in khaini, and are 3rd job, plz PM me, so i can write down your name. In the screeny, Felicitas, Pwnmanship, and bnme4hx are the 3rd jobs. The Wiz is just someone who was next to me when i took the picture.

3 thoughts on “Few legit 3rd jobs”

  1. There can be other reasons as to why someone whould have low fame you know -.-;

    A) mass defame war
    B) just doesn’t care about fame
    C) never sees civilization as he only remains in his training spot (get’s friends to buy him pots)
    D) levelled to 30 on pure zombie teeth
    E) Everyone hates that person
    F) He’s a hacker

    if you are third job with only 5 fame, something must be wrong. If that is the case i believe the answer is E and F

  2. Heh, if it makes any difference, my legit cousin is level 93 on Windia ^^; She quit though 😮 She said it took too much of her time XDDDD

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