Some sins are power crazy

I know that some sins are nice and some help noobs in need like one of my friends and someone i met at land of wild boar. I see Sin characters growing by the second in Maple. It is becoming a hard time for us warriors becasue some sins think it is there job to ks us! One time a lvl 45 sin came to land of wild boar doing about 1-1.2k damage average with L7. He cam over and ksed me, only me because his name was KnightSlayer. He said his 2 capital letters gave him the right to do so. After a while and no kills, I asked him for the 50th time to stop ksing me. He said no and that i should have chosen a wiser class when I was beginning and to become a sin. I mean, come on! He encourages me to deleate my character so sins can become the ruling class. I think not. You can go ahead and explain your bad cases of trails with all characters. It doesn’t have to be sins but i want those ksers to see how they are effecting the lives of those around them with this vain thought

5 thoughts on “Some sins are power crazy”

  1. yeah I am alittle strong (i think) but i dont ks ppl and when i do i say “sry” so dont think every sin is like that

  2. , They do that to us mages too. At least the majority of us (mages) say sorry when we do anything offensive.
    If anyone tries to offend ME, let’s put it simply: you hit me, I hit you more.

  3. call me crazy, but the ruling class is warriors.

    whos the strongest person in global by 10 lvls?
    a warroir
    wich class has the most hp and can do the most dmg when 3rd job comes around?
    the warriors
    who can KS everyone wih an ultra-sexy dragon atk?
    a warroir
    wich is the class that can dominate a map with just its 1st job slash blast?
    the warroir
    i could go on, but i dont want to waste time
    so next time u see a cocky sin, tell him to F*** OFF

  4. man so mean i mean warriors rock! ur a fighter? bc my bro is a bandit he blackmails me for bein a warrior sob. dun scold them jus cc if he folows u report him for harrasment! sins and bandits are great. but bc they like ksin us i hate them!

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