My new guild!

I just started my own guild today with my friend tzctheif. We payed for everything and have about 4 peoepl over lvl 30 in our guild of 9. Those four people are my own characters and my friends. my friend is master, but he made 5 other peopel jr. masters so it was kind of hecktic. We actually had a person lvl 7 in teh guild who was expelled within about 10 after he was invited because of ksing a lvl 10 archer in our guild. So i think he messed some things up and we had to lay some rules down. I don’t think we are handeling teh memebrs very well so any tips would be helpful
btw: our name is chaoskillers.

8 thoughts on “My new guild!”

  1. sometimes threats work, or if they’re going insane tell them “if you dont calm down yur epelled or ect. lke today my friend is a jr.master and while i was offline he deleted one of the guys and added this other noob, and the guy that go expelled went balistic i was like CALM DOWN >=l. but anyways try to be nice and use nice threats thats how my guild turned out nice if anyone wants to join i’m in broa and theres not space

  2. I’m in Broa and i’m Junior master, i actually don’t do anything except abuse the Guild Notice that the GMs added XD
    nways, um, If I were you, I’d talk to the person for like, at least 10 to 15 minutes while training with him and stuff to see that persons personality, whether you like it or if he’s nice, generous, so on and so forth. Thats what I do when I invite people in my guild.
    If someone becomes really rude and stuff, ask him whats the problem and try to understand why he’s acting like that. If he just continues swearing, ksing, insulting etc. Just kick him out of the guild, >_> jerks aren’t allowed in kewl guilds~
    ~I hope this helped ~

    – VanillaPocki –

  3. well lets see.
    1st of all don’t scam like my fren does. if not if you scam him the gossip will spread and nobody would want to join ya guild
    2ndly well lets see ask your leader to guide everyone well and don’t just kick someone out just for ksin ppl k
    3rdly have great team work
    4thly have fun ask your guild leader to have like anivesaries weddings or on special occassions like umm christmas
    5thly just enjoy urself in your guild.
    althogh i don’t have a guild but at least i can give ya some advice lar
    well thats all!

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