
Currently listening tooooo: Fascination–eternal-love-mix-

Hey people! Just your friendly neighborhood Scyne here again, to condense his thoughts into one, boring rant. Leave now and I’ll be very angry! Online, I figure that’s about all I can do, so yeah…

Back on topic! Training! In general, it sucks, unless you’re the 1 in a million person that ENJOYS grinding. Sure, there’s occasionally the chatty buddy list, or the pal training with you, but let’s face it. Most of the time, training is boring. Killing the same monster. Thousands of time. With 1-3 different attacks. Using the same animation. Over and over again (unless you’re a warrior. Then you get like…3 attacking animations! BEAUTY!). Yeah, it’s true that in most MMOs in general, it takes a good amount of training to level. A very good amount. However, Maplestory seems to be the worst of its kind. 0.01-0.005% per kill. LUDICROUS, I SAY! BUT NO! It gets worst. You see, in order to actually level well in this bish of a game, you have to find the best monsters packed in the best maps. Yeah. There’s where things gets reaaaal nasty-like. Unfortunately, it’s in these maps that wonderful scenarios like this tend to happen:

“Ugh. 10,000 more of these things and I level.” *Fires more arrows* “Whoa. Why was that one so easy to take out?”



Or mayhaps one like this. A little more rare, but it happens:

“Snap. Out of unagis. Better just hop on this rope and hotkey new pots for a sec…” *Does so*

*Random guy appears on the map and starts killing things*

“Excuse me, could you change channels? I was here first.”

“LOL I C U ON ROPE NOOOOB!11!! U AFK!1!!1!exclamationmark”

Of course, this doesn’t happen everywhere. Wizon (Yesh. My name.) has specifically designed a few maps to be absolute hell to train in if you can’t back yourself up with enough power. Let’s go through them together!

1: Purple plains I (Sakura Cellions)

Not exactly training, but the major money monsters.I myself made 700k there today along with 2000 cellion tails. Gooood stuff. But hey, I’m a ranger that was able to defend his turf easily. For those unlucky enough to take 2-3 hits to kill the cute eyed kitties (shame on you for killing them!), this place is simply crawling with ksing nubcakes. Normally, you’ll have 2 people at the top of the map, one on the left, one on the right. Your typical kser will come to the top, scope out the competition, and get rid of the weaker link. If you are somehow able to repel this kser, you’ll usually get some slander and filth thrown at you, and some insult about your damage.

“lol noob damage ranger”

“It’s Inferno. At lvl 1. On a fire monster.”

“idc still noob”

HONESTLY! What do you say to that??

Moving on…


Thanks to one of Lady Silvar’s blogs, I now know that Maplesea’s FoG system is a liiiittle more different than our slightly(insanely) more power driven one. You can own a map without being in it! HOW COOL IS THAT!! (I myself don’t know whether that’s sarcastic or not. Seriously, I’m on the fence). Let’s talk about the wonderful Global FoG system!
Slow attacker? Kill golems in 2-3 hits? You’re gonna have FUN FUN FUN here! As most of you know, the system is simple. One person on each of the four platforms. Sometimes, 3 people and the top person take the two top platforms.
Honestly though, if it were that simple, cut and dry, I would’ve been there longer. However, it’s just not. Many many times, there’ll be there person that comes along, realizes they’re stronger, and simply kses you out because they can’t be bothered to get off of their lazy arses and find a platform. There’s also my personal favourite:


FACE ASSIMILATION OR PERISH! Rofl. I swear I called one of those guys Hitler or something.

Other times, there are the KS wars. They rarely happen, but you can consider your platform gone if they do. One person starts a KS war by not “cc”ing on another person’s whim, and BAM! The entire calvary comes and claims EVERYTHING! Yes, the calvary includes some 1xx hermit/chief bandit/dragon knight that can 1 hit ko everything! FAST! Lucky you!

3: EVERY FREAKIN’ MAP A FAKE BOSS SPAWNED! While the event was going on, that is.

Meh GOSH this was bad. Training in the slime tree? Forget it! Not while some high level powerhouse with an AOE attack was killing off everything in sight! Grim phantom watches? Not with that super high lvled person blasting everything that moved until his or her precious fake papulatus spawned. There are exceptions to this, however, since not every fake boss spawned on a busy map. Of course, claiming an Orbis garden of any colour II was pretty difficult. Fake bosses just seemed to bring out the worst in a lot of people. Especially fake pap. Man, that ghost plant is evil.

*Lands on a map where someone is already fighting Pap*

Other person: cc plz

Me: *Not having moved yet* >.>

4: Wolf Spiders

Besides that neat little spot that you can put a puppet that won’t get hit, the map’s layout is an epic phailure. Too many teleports while a bunch of little 1.5k damage dealing, deceptively small spidies are running around. Not to mention that your spawn is screwed unless you have a hermit or dragon knight around due to that little spot at the top. Also, even if you do manage to kill one of the little ones at the top, if it drops ilbis, or a blue screamer and you’re not a Chief bandit or Hermit, you’re gonna slap yourself. Hard. But now, onto the ksing part.
There’s really only one thing a newcomer to the map can do to seriously tick you off. While you’re running around, busting your butt to kill spiders and create a nice big mob at the bottom (really fun to kill), some person comes onto the channel, sees you, and proceeds to fall down and wipe out your hard-earned spawn. Dare you go down in an attempt to kill your lovely spawn of spidies? Only if you don’t mind some swearing and a defame.



“RANGER ‘BISH'” *cc*

Boy was that fun. I died a little later.

Y’know…I think that’s all I’ve got for now.

If any of you would like to add another map, I could try and write something about them. It’s fun to write about maps that are epic phailures.

Oh, and for those of you who bothered to listen to my song at the top, I need…okay, not need, want to know something…

Is the dude in the song saying: “Where are you?”, “I’m calling you.” or “I’m following you.”? Or a mix of all three?

9 thoughts on “Training…”

  1. Fascination is awesome. -has it on DDR-

    SuperNOVA ftw~~ :3
    And yeah, all that stuff mentioned above -points vaguely- is quite valid. I agree with all of your points.
    Being a level 57 ice wizard with maxed Medi, I can pretty much hold my own at Sakura Cellions now (I’d be shamed to death if I wasn’t -__-). However, there are still the occasional nubcakes that don’t know when to back off.

    For example: I was training at the Sakura Cellions – well, not really training so much as making money and getting tails for my newb sin – and anyways, these two newbie magicians pop up. I’m sharing the map with another person, so I ignore them and keep killing, figuring that they’d be polite and CC. How wrong I was. They attacked a couple of Cellions, calling ME a KSer, telling me to CC off of “their” map, and generally just harassed me. Not only did they defame me, but they call me a ‘bish’ and a ‘n0l1f3r’ because apparently being level 57 makes you a fat high-school dropout kid that spends all day in front of the computer, which I won’t and am not. After a while, in which I continually try to civilly – and literately – resolve this conflict, they both drop my fame, cut and run, CCing, ducking into the CS, etc. I managed to report them both though. Bera is full of nubcakes -______-

  2. The FoG system in SEA is no less power driven anyway. Entire guilds conduct raids on maps to claim the territory, and when that happens, and the owner of the map musters a defence force of his/her own, it’s literally a war.
    So you can think of it like a . . . feudal system. XD Emphasis on Feud.

    I like that ‘Assimilation or die’ thing. *cracks up*

  3. @Shining

    Aweshum indeed, yet so much harder than Fascination Maxx in my opinion. And yeah, nubcakes like that seem to pop up everywhere. Annoying. =.=

    @Teh Silvar

    True. Didn’t consider that since an entire guild can own a map, another entire guild can go into combat to take it over. That’s intense! XD

  4. It’s intense, but not fun when you’re just someone trying to train but caught in the crossfire. ><

    I can’t wait for Amoria to come to SEA though. I want to go check out those Sakura kitties (and their accompanying nubcakes). 8D

    [edit] And I’d say it’s ‘I am calling you.’

  5. I agree with you all the way. Except for the Wolf Spider thing. Never tried those at length. Especially those Fake Bosses! Whenever I kill one, some tard has to come and try to steal my cakes. MY CAKES! >=O

  6. You’re lucky you get to keep your territory at Sakura Cellions. Whenever Im there Im always getting ksed out to a different ch or people always say “Cc please” -_-

  7. Rationalization can’t be used with people like that. I also revert to their level to get my point across. Boy is it fun. >:]

  8. Pfft Cheeze. I don’t need to get a char higher than 36 to KS a quad-whatever of third-jobbers out of Sak. Cellions. :]

  9. I actually visited sakura cellions like yesterday!
    I, being as misinformed as I was, thought that I could easily find a free channel there while thinking that the whole sakura cellion madness phase must have passed.
    How wrong I was! It took me a long time to find a channel!
    And if your lucky you get to claim like 3 inches of land to attack!
    I sometimes find people dumb tho, even though one might be at lvl 50 and another guy at 90 and if both can kill in one hit, then how the hell is the lvl 90 gonna ks you faster, sometimes levels don’t really matter! I mean a lvl 20 sin could totally out-ks a lvl 120 warrior at green snails!
    Wow, I even went to a place and was training there for like 10 minutes, so then I asked ‘Can I train here’ and he suddenly very rudely says ‘no go away noob’ and this is a lvl 90 sin I’m talking about, how rude!
    KS’ers are major dumbasses, and I’m gonna say that cause it’s so true!

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