Random questing!


What does Scyne do when he’s reeeeeeal bored on Maple?


And so I did. Today the lucky place was….*spins Mapleworld globe* Korean Folk Town…crud.

I’d separate each and every quest I did, but I kinda did them all in one big blob. So let’s start from the top!
I’ll insert a few pictures here and there. They’ve been edited just the tiniest bit, but you’ll hardly notice, trust me.

First things first…the quest that comes from that kid…the one where you need the rope, from the tigers and the oil from the seahorse. Yeah, I dunno how either creature got either item, but that’s not important!

With only the slightest bit of difficulty (what? The tigers have the same amount of avoidability as Crimson Balrogs. Less defense, obviously) I swiftly collected 20 tough ropes from those evil little tigers. Naturally, I went further into the mountain, wanting to summon a few King Goblins before I left to Aqua road to get oil…yeah. So what do I run into? Foxes. Evil, cursing foxes!

link – Me, clawing a fox.

link – The fox, clawing me.

It occured to me then, that maybe the reason monsters are so ticked with humans, is that we’re ripping off of their attacks! I will experiment later with my lightning, and a Crimson Rog’s lightning. Moving on…

Then there were Blins. Those evil rock boogies were too much, so I turned back and headed to KFT. Ah yes, Korean Fried Takoyaki…bought a few, ate them quickly, then went to Korean Folk town.

*One fall down a well later*

It was good ol’ Aqua road! Remember when the place was new? Remember when all of the level 70+ people came and left since Aqua Dungeon wasn’t out? Remember when all of the level 100+ people left since there was no…’Pianus’ (Doom Flounder, FTW)? Remember when seal meats sold for like…10k each? Good times.

I was in Aqua road to collect oil, but first! I had to listen to the wonderfully squeaky sounds of Bubblefish dying by the masses!

link – Going after Bubblefish. If you look very carefully…you might notice that the map is in the shape of a fish!

With my strange pleasures satiated, it was back to sea horsies! Didn’t take me long to find what I needed. Plus some underwater charcoal.

link – Maplestory > Laws of Physics

link – Maplestory > Oil > Laws of Physics

NEXT! On my way to suicide (more on that later!) I noticed an opportunity to break the law. Being the evil person I am, I took that chance.


/pictures. Sowwie.

After hearing a few people talking about ‘Pianus’ (Doom Flounder FTW), I decided to go on a suicide run. Yup. With magic guard, ANYTHING is possible! Sharks and Cold sharks rely on people like me for food.

So with a little help from a friendly neighborhood Chief Bandit, I was able to make it to the dangerous cave…filled with falling rocks and fires that don’t seem to burn out. Oh, right, and flying cyclopes.

In time, I made it to the evil fish! Unfortunately, I was mauled by a Blood boom upon entrance. So yeah…my journey to the bishy fishy ended.

Also, my attention span ended at the same time, so no more questing until tomorrow!

Don’t expect anything on Mr. Shim’s quest. I’m NOT doing that quest. EVER.

Scyne’s random fun fact for the day: The rabbits in Korean Folk Town don’t freeze.

3 thoughts on “Random questing!”

  1. wat about the traffic light? i cant make out what u wrote on ur screenie pic

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