*Insert witty title*

Currently listening tooooo: Vertex^2

Lulz. Deep and meaningful ranting? Not today, I’m afraid. It’d probably be something related to 4th job, and all the jerks that are going to abuse their power anyway…

THE GAME OF DOOM!!1!@!2!!34=

No, today…today, my mission is to die. Lots. Lots and lots and lots. The best way to do that? Find a really hard game. Can’t find a really hard one? Find a really cruel one. Following such criteria, what did I come up with? This hot cup of kitten flushing, puppy choking, chipmunk chucking goodness:

Dun watch yet plez.
Click meh.

Pretty sure that most if not all of you have played the original Mario bros at some point? Well, in order to successfully beat this game, you’ll have to forget everything you ever knew about it…minus running and jumping. For you see, everything in this game is a tool specially crafted by the hands of Zakum himself to bring about hilarity with just a tinge of frustration. There are many ways to die…and I have covered all of them, except the super obvious ones (Walking into an enemy, jumping down a pit, so on). Watch nao plez (I advise you to watch with your volume lowered due to careless recording by yours truly). This game has 3 other levels which I shall be posting videos of as well. If you’re interested in trying it, PM me. =)

…Whuzzat? MMO related? But I mentioned Zakum!

Alright, fine. Ummm…

Mapling and such

The hackers are gone again. If nothing else, Nexon does an awesome job getting rid of teh haxxorz. They get a cookie for that. Getting pelted in the face by flying squids was honestly starting to tick me off. Bowman HP + 2 hits = death. Mathematics FTW.

Server downtimes FTL. First Bera went down and up. Didn’t suck much for me, since I wasn’t doing anything of importance. Unfortunately, that little downtime ended up being a rollback that was roughly 30-60 minutes. Again, no problem to me, but…as indicated by pages of angry pink, it was a problem to others. Finally, the entire server went down for a few hours with no notice. After a while, it went right back up with a notice from Nexon about reimbursement. I’m eager to see what they’ll come up with this time…

On a more serious note, I’ve learned that a few MMOTalers tried to contact me on my archer – the archer that I had given to my friend, who doesn’t know of my shadowy alter-ego on this site. His response to the poor, unknowing people didn’t make me very happy, and so I have commandeered said archer back via the magic of pin changing. I won’t be on him much (spending too much time on my Sniper…14 more lvls ’til 4th job. Woot), but if you do find me on him, know that it will actually be me. =)

I want to be, the very best…

On ANOTHER note, I’ve started playing Pokeymen again… well actually, I’ve been playing for a while. I always did like the concept of beating some wild animal half to death before cramming it into a spherical prison. My version? Pearl. My party? ccplz i no tell.

Also, I’m giving away 1 free cookie to anyone who can guess what my favourite type is.
TEN cookies to anyone who guesses who my favourite pokemon is (will obviously be of the same type).

8 thoughts on “*Insert witty title*”

  1. Your favorite type is the Ice type, and Jynx is your favorite Poke’mon (because you’re sick like that).

  2. NU! Not ice types! AND ZOMG I HATE JYNX! You are officially BLOCKED from any further comments! Unfortunately. . . *rustles around*

    I can find no such switch. So I’ll have to put all my trust in you and believe you won’t comment. =)

  3. Your favorite type is either: Normal, Water, Ice, Fire, Dark, Flying, Steel, Rock, Ground, Fighting, Psychic, Bug, Ghost, Electric, Poison, Grass, or Dragon.

    I think I got them all.

    Your favorite Pokemon is either: Bulbarsauf, Ivysaur, Venusaur, Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard, Cha-

    -goes through all 493-


  4. FunnyFroggy said: “Your favorite type is either: Normal, Water, Ice, Fire, Dark, Flying, Steel, Rock, Ground, Fighting, Psychic, Bug, Ghost, Electric, Poison, Grass, or Dragon.

    I think I got them all.

    Your favorite Pokemon is either: Bulbarsauf, Ivysaur, Venusaur, Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard, Cha-

    -goes through all 493-


    HAX! HOW DID YOU KNOW?! *Gives 11 cookies*

    And Cheeze-man! I TRUSTED YOU!

  5. Eww. I lost 6% during the server crash. How gross.
    My friend stumbled into my MMO blogs when he Googled his name. D; Stupid IGNs.

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