I hate NEXON!

However, that’s not what this blog is about.

Currently listening tooooo: Pluto

Perfection. It is unobtainable by mankind. Everyone has flaws (except me. I’m perfect. =D). However, that fact doesn’t seem to hold true in Maplestory. Indeed, it is absolutely IMPERATIVE that everything from your build, to your skills, to your equips be perfect. This came to my attention just today.

Friend: cool. Getting 70 is gonna take forever. How’d you do it, Ace?

Acevalkyrie: Iunno. Addiction? Anyway, I can let you use my archer if you want.

Friend: ARE YOU F***EN serious??

Acevalkyrie: Sure. Not like you’re someone I met on the net. If you do anything stupid, then you’ll regret inviting me to that birthday party of yours.

Friend: lol Why?

Acevalkyrie: I don’t forget the location of houses easily. =)

One half-hour joyride later…

Acevalkyrie: Did you enjoy strafing everything that moved?

Friend: Ya, but…you messed up your stats?

Acevalkyrie: Really? How so?

Friend: You got 8 int. And 7 luk. Also, you maxed FA.

Acevalkyrie: Yeah. And boy did that **** me up, eh?

Wheels in the ‘rant’ area of my brain begin to turn…

Yes, that’s right. My stats and skills were apparently totally screwed up because I didn’t follow the written builds and become a carbon copy of almost every other archer out there. OH WOE IS I!! But let’s take this apart piece by piece, shall we?

Getting the “perfect” roll…4/4 nightmare

If you’re the lucky kind of person that can get a 4/4 roll on your fifth try, more power to you. I honestly have nothing against such luck. However, why exactly should I spend ANYTHING more than 5 minutes rolling away on some dumb red dice that decides your fate (LOL SORTING HAT!)? I mean seriously, do you want people to get bored of the game BEFORE they start getting 0.02% a kill? That aside, I’ve taken the liberty of doing a little mental math to get the total amount of DEX I’m missing out on.

It’s 7. Trust me.

Believing in my brain, I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m missing out on 7 DEX. Whoa. A whole 7. Seven. Sept. Siete. Sette. 1+1+1+1+1+1+1. My friends, at my current level, that’s roughly 1 weapon attack. Possibly less. And here I was, wondering why my damage was SO DARN LOW for my level! Heck, with my horrible roll, it’s a wonder I hit anything about 100 with strafe!

All sarcasm aside, you see where I’m coming from, I hope. Moving on…

Skillz. Don’t get them because you like them. Get them because you HAVE TO!

Yup, that’s the concept nowadays. Say you’re in the shoes of….ummm…A RANGER! =D Now, you’ve just leveled up! Good job, give yourself a pat on the back. You’ve got yourself three skill points! Cool! Mmm. Yeah, that hawk looks nice, doesn’t it? I bet you wanna get it early? Well, NO! PUT ALL THOSE POINTS INTO STRAFE NAO! NEW PRE-REQUISITE FOR HAWK IS A LVL 30 STRAFE!

Yes, I went with an early eagle. YES, those points could’ve been put into strafe. But I put them towards an early eagle. Wanna know why? Well, this might shock you, but when I see a skill that I like, I PUT POINTS INTO IT! ZOMG! I know, I should be following the universal guide for archers! Now that slot for ‘generic archer #46478’ will NEVER be filled! I passed by another ranger who was a higher lvl at the time (F3) while my hawk was out, and he told me with a smug face that I “shouldn’t have hawk yet”. Guess I wasn’t paying attention when Rene (3rd job bowman) told me not to get hawk until level XX.

Now, I’m not gonna be dumb about this. Obviously, there are some builds that let you level faster than others. It’s great that they maximize training efficiency, but do they maximize fun (kinda cheezy, I know. XD)? Most of the time, no, unless grinding is your thing. Then by all means, go on.


This may SEEM like it’s only a problem with sins, but that’s only because there’s more of them and less of…well, everyone. DUN DENY IT!

Now, as a person who scrolled gloves for my class (Dark eyes FTW), you have NO idea how many times I am asked where my work glove is and called a noob for not having some. Honestly, it seems that only mages are excused from having to wear those stark white abominations. I hated work gloves then, I hate them now, and I will always hate them. I don’t care of they’re purple, green, grey, red, yellow, brown, or pink. Also, sticking glowy lightning bolts on them does NOT make them hardcore! It just adds them to the pile of recoloured iTCG items (excluding the weapons, which surprised me).

Then there are the worst kinds of people out there. The ones who INSIST on know your every equip, and its every point. I’m okay with friendly competition and comparison. No harm in that. But then there are the people who…well, they’re kinda like this:

“What luk iz ur sonata?”

“3 luk.”


Exaggeration? Only the typing. There ARE indeed jerks like that. They’ll rub anything they can in your face, whether it be 1 more weapon attack, 1 more luk, or 1 more dex. =/

I feel it for the sins as well. With ilbis flying everywhere on the market, It’s practically REQUIRED to have one. Despite how rich some people are, making 12mil from scratch isn’t easy unless you use Gachapon.

Yeah, the obsession for perfection is pretty bad, but it’s obviously not going to get better. All one man can do is rant about it…

Curious about the other tag in my blog?


Yes, not sure if it’s happened to any of you yet, but you may have received a lil link like this from on of your pals on MSN: ww.free-offers-for-you.com <——Took out a ‘w’, so there will be no accidental clickage. It doesn’t matter if you actually do go to it though – no spyware or anything.

A friend of mine that I hadn’t spoken to in a LONG time sent me only that link, with a lil winky-smiley-doodle-thingy at the end of it. I, being the type of person who is interested in all sorts of malware and stupid threats, googled this link and came upon a scam going around. Clicking on that link will send you to this strange, strange world…

When there, you’re supposed to be all curious about who has blocked you and type in your user name and password. Knowing that it was some scam, I just typed in some BS and came upon a blank page…

If you HAD typed in your actual info, congrats, your msn account has been hijacked. Well, not exactly. You can still use it, but every 5-10 minutes, a bot will log on, spam that earlier mentioned link, then log off. As the recipient of said messages, I can safely say that it’s extremely annoying. Unfortunately, blockdelete won’t tell that I blocked you. >.>
But yes, that’s pretty lowdown, isn’t it? Yup. Downright petty. Horrible. TERRIBLE EVEN! And yet…you should know that if you put your details in those two lil boxes, your friends (and you) you be spammed. Why? It’s clearly outlined! XD

EPIC WIN ON THEIR PART! But um, you recover your account by changing your password. Interestingly, that USED to be in the terms, but it seems to have disappeared…

One last piece of info!

Speaking of epic, I heard the best description of a criminal EVA on the news.

Black male.
18-23 years of age.
Blue jeans.
Puffy black jacket.

As it happens, I have all those things. Yes, including the black-ness. *Pulls notoriously puffy black jacket out of the closet* And I always wear blue jeans. Now I have friends on MSN asking me what I’ve been doing. x_x

Go away nao.

19 thoughts on “I hate NEXON!”

  1. Lol sorry that you look like a criminal? Oh and btw, the sorting hat said I would go to hell, That is after I go to heaven, DUHH! Yes yes there are several stupid hackers on msn! I was actually stupid enough to accept a file transfer from a friend, not reading it, How stupid of me T_T I ended up getting a virus and then muh daddy fixed it for me x] And I did screw up on my stats too! But I don’t play my mage, so thats okies =] but yeah no I messed up bad, lvl 62 with like 17 str, It isn’t so great walking around. To make matters worse I have 3 magic guard, so I can’t go alot of places without being at risk to die,

  2. Scyne, dude what the hell were you doing?! ):


    Nice description though.

    My characters are half-perfect, I max out the proper stats, blahblahblah but I can never get the patience to roll a 4/4, it would always be a 4/5 or 5/4 maybe even a 5/5 because I am lazy as heck. XD

  3. k im getting sick of people complaining about nexon. sure when the cash shop came out we all knew their objective changed from providing us a fun game to making money, but without the money, how are they gonna pay to operate the servers and the game? And of course, they wouldn’t be able to add things to maple story (like the maps in MapleSEA or KMS or 4th job EVENTUALLY). in exchange for your money, you get to have the NX that you want, bla bla bla. ur happy, nexon’s happy, where’s the problem?

    if you don’t like how the company is making mad money off its customers, quit maple right now. btw, this scenario is pretty much the SAME for any online game no matter where you go.

    i know nexon is making money when i buy NX, and i thought about it when i made the purchase. i play the game knowing that

  4. Wolfguy184 said: “k im getting sick of people complaining about nexon. sure when the cash shop came out we all knew their objective changed from providing us a fun game to making money, but without the money, how are they gonna pay to operate the servers and the game? And of course, they wouldn’t be able to add things to maple story (like the maps in MapleSEA or KMS or 4th job EVENTUALLY). in exchange for your money, you get to have the NX that you want, bla bla bla. ur happy, nexon’s happy, where’s the problem?

    if you don’t like how the company is making mad money off its customers, quit maple right now. btw, this scenario is pretty much the SAME for any online game no matter where you go.

    i know nexon is making money when i buy NX, and i thought about it when i made the purchase. i play the game knowing that”

    Yeah. . . umm. . .

    I’d counter that, but incidentally, this blog has nothing to do with my hatred towards Nexon. o.o

  5. Yes, I look at horror at the 6 SP I put into Energy Bolt. My whole gaming experience has been ruined by this single fact.

  6. Yeah I agree with ya. I’m a str bandit so im universally known as a dumb noob. ” WHY GO STR LUK PWNS YAO NOOB! LOL cool I HIT 50 MORE DAMAGE THEN YOU! YOU SUXORS!”

    Yeah i understand what you mean.


    Wonder if that will happen sooner or later o.o.


    And what did the criminal do? Bedded the wrong woman? Robbed a shop? Pushed a soft toy off the Twin Towers?

  8. Mmhm! Well said Scyne! Apparently, the new fad is to make LUKless mages. Like literally, LUKless. My friend has a 10x Priest but he decided to start over on a different character because his LUK was too high and other mages were outdamaging him. I think it’s a bit ridiculous really. People are spending so many dollars and such on AP resets to lower their LUK. I’ve always been taught to have your LUK +3 your level, but apparently, that’s all bee-ess now.


    I too have started to stop adding points into my LUK, darn the peers. But I’m still considered weak since I have a base LUK of 72. Meh, whatever. I BET MY MAPLING EXPERIENCE WAS FUNNER THAN THEIRS SO HAH! (:

    And lovely song by the way, Scyne. ;D

  9. I completely and totally agree with the first portion of your blog. Especially the skill part.

  10. @Ganache: Hah. At least when mages are 1 hit ko-ing weak enemies with energy bolt, you look uber pro.

    @Fridtjov: I think about the whole luk versus str bandit thing this way – they’ll do a little more than you (emphasis on LITTLE), but I should think they would since they spend MILLIONS on a well scrolled dagger, whereas str dits don’t. =)

    @greenday: Something about a robbery. If someone gives me a place to hide out, I’ll be more than glad to split the loot.

    @Aliyah: Dang. You’re a weak PRIEST?! WTH IS THE WORLD COMING TO?! XD And thanks, I do love that song. I’mma be trying something a lil more upbeat next blawg.

    @Russ-saph: I’m seriously glad that someone does, more so an authority on bowmen. I mean, it’s okay to shake your head a lil when you find out your new skill isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, but condemning your character to the pits of Maple-hell? A little extreme.

  11. Pure pwnage. I really like reading your blogs.

    Coincidentally, I was hanging out at the channel 1 Showa Gunboss with my guildies just yesterday night, and versusing all kinds of people that came along to kill him. Anyhow, soon we got pwned by some lvl 15x pure INT Archmage, but not before people kept asking about my guildies’ builds, and I was yelling, ‘WHAT’S WITH ALL THE FUNKY BUILDS ANYWAY! WHAT HAPPENED TO THE GOOD OLD ‘OMG I SCREWD UP’ BUILDS!?’

    I’m 8 LUK, and proud of it.

  12. My Xbow is Str, LESS 5 Str, 4 luk 4 int I think, Yeah, took me like an hour, >.>

    Lvl 43, stopped, got sorta boring,

  13. 10 attack/5 dex/2 str level 80 gloves for the win. You wouldn’t want to know the amounts of people yelling “lolol i got 8 atk w/g n00b” at me, only to be like “wow” and press trade when I show it to them -_-

  14. Lol.
    I wear a 3 attack work glove, it helps ward off the bother-ers. Until they ask how much attack it has -_-

  15. @Sapphy (Sapphy is much better kay.) : I do that too. But so far no one’s been terribly obnoxious about it to me. . .

  16. Indeed, Maple Story is really flipping restrictive,

    In other news, I love scam sites, I always type horrible horrible swears about their mothers into the boxes for them. ^___^

  17. DaMunky89 said: “Indeed, Maple Story is really flipping restrictive,

    In other news, I love scam sites, I always type horrible horrible swears about their mothers into the boxes for them. ^___^”


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