Don’t leave your popcorn on the ground.

I PROMISE YOU that title means something. Bear with me. XD

While in the course of writing, listened to: Infection

NOW listening toooooo: Mei

A simple fact.

Maplestory Reviews

Check out those reviews. For the sake of being short, I ask that for each of them (need not be all of them unless you have that much time to burn), you just scroll down to the community area. Yeah. Okay. Now do it for another. And another. Notice a trend? Mhm. Out of the reviews that I skimmed, I only saw a SINGLE community score that was above 5. I could’ve missed lots, but nonetheless, you see the pattern. Unless you’ve been on Mars, in a cave, with your ears plugged and your eyes shut, you should know:


Yup. Finding a good person that won’t milk you, scam you, or backstab you in some way is like…like…

Finding a needle in a haystack?

Catching fish with boxing gloves?

A chief bandit seeing a goby house and NOT a’sploding it?

…like a chief bandit seeing a goby house and NOT a’sploding it. Maplestory’s fallen down reeeal far. Further than this unfortunate fellow. Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying everything was tulips and roses back during beta. You had your fair share of losers back then too, but it’s gone far up since then. And don’t bother offering me the argument that “It only looks that way since the entire population has gone up”. I know my ratios.

Indeed, scammers left and right: “22,222,222 – 22,222,222 – 22,222,222 – 2,222,222 Ringing any bells?

Hackers resurfacing: Finding a fake Papulatus on a platform that was no sniping spot with a bunch of gigantic spirit vikings is NOT cool.

People generally being jerks:



“EFF U” *Defame*


“Sorry to bug you, but could I please have 120 mesos for the taxi?”


BOTH SIDES of the level spectrum can easily be blamed for this. There is no one side better than the other. Quote me on this.

Low leveled noobs

Immature little twits that expect to have everything simply handed to them. Not enough money to buy a new weapon? Ask someone. New armor? Ask someone. New ______? Ask someone. See, this becomes EXTREMELY problematic at level 20 or so when they begin begging for upwards of 10k. The problem by then, is that they’ve become spoiled to the core by everyone, and will have little freak-outs on anyone that doesn’t cave into their rising demands.

Higher leveled noobs

The snooty, prideful jerks that look down on every that’s even a single level below them. Heck, they’ll look down on you if they do 20 more damage than you. Take the time to type properly, use grammar well, and ask them a question. What do you get? Something along the lines of “CCNUB”, or worse (in my opinion), they’ll completely ignore you.

People like these, new and old, go on to be backstabbers, scammers, or people that care nothing about the feelings of the other HUMANS that play Maplestory.

These same corrupted members become part of the maplestory society. They’re the people that will make friends with you and earn your trust, just so they can go ahead and rob your prized ilbis months later. They’re the ones that’ll pull the wool over your eyes with a trade scam. They’re the ones that will become Jr masters in guilds, just so they can boot every member out. They are the people that have made Maplestory what it is. It’s because of them that other affected people become defensive, unable to trust anyone, or in some cases, downright mean.

Unfortunately, some others use being scammed or such as an excuse to go and ruin the day of someone else through KSing or some other form of harassment. And then, because the person THAT person picked on is having a bad day, THEY go and take it out on someone else…and it becomes a vicious cycle of people that devote their lives to ruining Maplestory for other people. Such a cycle can be applied in real life, as I discovered at the theatre.

My friend and I had just finished watching Enchanted (awesome movie). We were getting up when I noticed him leaving his popcorn bag on the floor. I asked him why he wouldn’t just pick it up. His reply?

“It’s their job to pick it up. I’m not making it any easier for them. No one makes things easier at my job.”

And honestly, that just made me stop and say “Wow”. It’s a SIMPLE thing to do. Just pick up the bag. You’re not making that guy’s job any easier, so he’s gonna be a little more miserable. When he goes to a place like oh saaaaay…Blockbusters, or your nearest movie rental store, if he takes out a movie, he’s not gonna bother taking two seconds out of his life and putting it back in the right section because “It’s not his job to make their jobs easier”. And then the store employee will have to take that movie and put it in the right area (I know how tedious that can be). Surely you can see what I mean? A simple gesture. That’s all it would take.

*sigh* I honestly don’t know where I’m going with this, but hearing about my friends one by one getting hacked, scammed, or KSed by someone who simply has no regards for other beings, or someone who would sell their own mother to get a little further in this little game saddens me greatly, no sarcasm whatsoever. Maplestory is a moderately fun game. Do you know how much better it would be if people could be just a LITTLE nicer? If a newb (not noob) asks you a simple question, or for a mere 100 mesos or so, just give it to them. Newbs, if the person you asked gives you whatever you asked for, SAY THANK YOU. I’m serious. No “bb”, no “cya”, and if you can help it, no “ty”. They gave you what you wanted, take THREE seconds, FIVE seconds max, and type “Thank you”. Also, don’t go pestering that same person for other items later on. I don’t mean to sound like a peace-loving hippie, but a little kindness goes a long way.

Had a bad day? Understandable, but taking everyone down with you isn’t the solution. Why would it be? Either log off, or try to enjoy yourself.

People, I don’t like misery. Even moreso, I don’t like misery when it could be so EASILY avoided.

Ugh…I guess I’m done. Sorry for the rambling, thank you for reading.

Edit: I’d post this on basil, but I know I’d only get a few page’s worth of “too long” and useless fames.

17 thoughts on “Don’t leave your popcorn on the ground.”

  1. I didn’t read everything. I lost you at ‘Low leveled Noobs’.

    But I thought it was VERY interesting.

  2. PIERULEZ said: “o.o that stickman thing was stupid”

    Yup. If it wasn’t, it wouldn’t be much of a flash video.

  3. I read the whole thing, and I have to say I LOVED it. This is something I think about every time I play Maple, because there’s a jerk around every corner. I refrain from being rude or mean to someone if they did nothing to deserve it.

  4. I completely agree with you. And I read the whole thing. It wasn’t so long. Basil people are idiots, with few exceptions.

  5. Usually I can revert to an artard’s level of stupidity, so I don’t feel like some higher-power being dealing with infidels. In fact, fighting’s kinda fun. Other than that, the players that get to me are newbs that are justÂ… greedy. I mean, I’ll give them stuff, help them out, be their friend, but then eventually they just get too picky. =/

  6. *nods* Agreed, Scyne. Doesn’t make sense to make others miserable. ‘Cept sometimes we do it unconsciously.

    But I often spam a lot of questions to my guildies and BL though. :X

  7. *applause*

    Encore plawks!

    But srsly, awesome blog.

    And about that popcorn story, I would’ve gotten so angry at your friend D: *has anger management issues*

    I mean, sure he might have tough days at work but I mean, you don’t need to go taking it out on other people. But either way, there’s still the whole ‘clean up after yourself thing’, so. . . yeah.

    I’m a hypocrite D:

  8. Darkwar4ever said: “‘Tis the same with every other community sir.

    Well, the really large ones anyway. ;x”

    Yes and no. I’ve played other games, so I know other communities. Trust me, the Maplestory community. . . ’tis horrible.

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