The Quests of Omega Sector

I have, ever since Omega Sectors release, been strolling around the fields delivering “Space Food”, looking for Documents and killing random aliens. But, a couple of days ago it happend. Only one quest left.
I went to talk to the Honorable General of Omega, and he told me to get “30 Dull Crystals and 10 Dark Crystal Ores”. I replied with an innocent “OH GOD NO! Not back to that BOOOORING tower again!”.
But the man was very stubborn and I had nothing to do, but completeing his quest. Off to the tower.

After collecting 30 Dull Crystals while watching “The Simpsons” (Note: The TV is right above the Computer), I went back to town. 10 Dark Crystal Ores? Thankfully, Im a cleric who’s been training at the Wraits so I already had them.

The Reward? A Random Overall scroll with Random %.
This seemd to me like a bit of gambling.
A 100% Overall DEX-scroll is worth about 30~40k (which means selling the Ores would be better) while Overall LUK 60% is worth around 1.5~2mil.
Maybe I should sell the Ores? No. Instead I crossed my fingers and wished that I would get an INT-scroll, no matter what %. A 10% Overall INT-scroll can be sold on Basil, a 100% scroll can be used on my Anakamoon and a 60%… wow… those are worth like 4~4.5mil. = SELL!

Since Im the kind of person who likes to do the rewarding-part slowly I decided to close my item-inventory and only check what type of scroll I got. (You see that in the chat-box, but it doesnt say %).
I closed my eyes and pressed “enter”. I slowly opened them only to see “Overall Armor for INT”.
My heard started beating faster and faster… Come on… not a 10%… 100% or 60%… come on…
I pressed “I”. My ETC inventory with the newly aquired “Florina VIP-ticket” showed up. I slowly moved the mouse towards “USE” and pressed.

I jumped up from my chair screaming with joy (thank God noone else was at home.) I got an “Overall INT 60%” scroll. After dancing around my room in wild happiness and making 12 online-buddys jealous it was time price-check it on Basil. I later sold it for 4.5mil.

This is undoubtly one of my best Maple-Moments ever.
Thank you for reading.

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