Good news and bad news.

It’s only me -.- okay you can go away now, this isn’t some really important blog or really good story by one of the famous people on this site so I assume you don’t want to read it T_T

The good news is that I’m back home. (Well in a way that’s bad news >.>) But I’ve decided to put my poems on hold for a while for a couple of reasons.

I haven’t broken my Maple fast yet, even though I’ve been home for a couple of days. I’ve been thinking about myself and I realize, my priorities were all messed up. My life revolved on when I could Maple next. That is just wrong. So during the month of August I will play less and do some purposeful things for once. Which means, my poems will have to be pushed to the side for a bit. Besides, I have 4 book reviews to finish in about 2 weeks. Dam summer reading >.< that my mom insists I have to do even though I lost 3 weeks of my summer in China >.<

Oh and about the Maple-addict-ness, I’m puzzled about something. I’m only level 44. I don’t want to think about what kind of lives level 50+ people lead. >.>

But, after I write a book review or two, and study 中文 (aka Chinese (again something my mother insists I have to do)), I will probably end up going back here and Mapling a bit. It has been three weeks.

4 thoughts on “Good news and bad news.”

  1. well its good that your doing something other than maple, but its not right to say things like that about lv50+ ppl lol. i mean im a lv50 cleric with a few lv30-something mules and in my day to day life i skateboard, i also have a part-time job and i use the money from that job to pay for Kendo classes (wich are 4 days a week for 2 hours at a time, except sunday wich is only 1 1/2)

    even if you dont want my advice ill give it to you, think of what makes you happy in life and plan what you need todo in order to be happy.

  2. ^^ yay! chinese XD I have to do that for Maple too, sort out my priorities and get back on track, >___>

    – VanillaPocki –

  3. hej hej hej! poems on haold BAD, Coming home. GOOD! I relly think this blog is old. Am I posting out of date? AWW-SHOOT!


  4. Yeah, how did you get to this blog? >.>

    Besides, if a blog is too old, it can’t get on the front page. It’s like my Poem of Bliss; it got 6 likes but it never hit the frontpage because it was too old.

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