
Today is the day. As of right now, I’m at level 49, 55.39%.
As of two minutes ago, I have 3 whole hours to myself to do whatever I want.
As of this moment, the Wizet Patcher is about a tenth of the way through ‘Creating: Data.wz’, if the bar thingy is to be trusted.
And as of this moment, my crossbowman is “at” (he isn’t logged in yet) Cloud Park VI where I can gain 16% an hour under ideal circumstances. He has enough Hot Dog Supremes, Mana Elixirs, Warrior Pills and Speed Pills to last through the next three hours. At least.

Today is the day I plan to reach the halfway point (level-wise) between 2nd job and 3rd job. Wish me luck and hope for me that nothing bad happens to hinder my progress.

Let the Great Countdown… BEGIN!!

See you in three hours, MMO.

EDIT: I have a new plan of action! This is my Plan B, in case I don’t get to level today.

I will train to 99.98% over the weekend and level on Monday, on like snails or something
I know, I’ll level in newbie clothes!

Well, whatever I decide, it’ll be screenshot-worthy. Can’t just have a regular old pic of me leveling to 50, it isn’t interesting enough

10 thoughts on “Countdown.”

  1. Dying when so close to levelling is DEFINITELY not a choice of fate.
    You have only your own clumsy fingers to blame.

  2. Nah, I have a buddy to blame. His constant chat thingies were distracting me.

    I find them hard to ignore ><

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