Many people ignore this option. I look around and I am the only person who likes… about 5 blogs. And about 10 comments and 100 views. My point is: if you like a blog, don’t forget to click the thumbs-up! I understand that it isn’t second nature to immediately press it after reading for most people, but after all this is what this blog is about right? A gentle reminder to express your approval at people’s blogs.
P.S. if I disappear for the next 3 weeks it’s because I’m on vacation and might not be able to go on the Internet there. Even if I do get on here I’ll probably have no Maple though >.>
EDIT: I don’t mean that people should thumbs-up every blog they see, but I find that a lot of people who obviously like the blog (proof: their comments) don’t “enjoy” it.
Yea, your right! “Your post is too short, if you don’t have anything useful to say, don’t say it.”
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^I HATE THIS THING^^^^^^^^^^^
It’s true, I almost never click that thing. =/
Haha. Your wish is my command!
Lol I wasn’t looking for likes with this blog >.> just telling others to click it for. . . other others.
funny, I’ve seen a couple more of these encouragement blogs, and I’ve written one myself. O.o
O.o nuuu my story has been pushed down on basil mmo blog T.T haha jkin XD im wondering why im still mmotales and basilmarket at 12 30 in the morning O.o anywayz yup thats what i do, sometimes, lol when i feel REALLY REALLY NICE O.o and that comes. . . well u have to find out for urself >=D and sometimes i forget to >.> yes i no weird. . . anyways i would like people to click the i like this blog button more often, but not on those who really doesnt need the click, like the ones who doesnt deserve it O.o btw check out on my friend’s blog lol, its her first try and i just told her she might be told that she stole the original author’s title O.o but u no, one-sided and two-sided maple story love O.o soo yea. wait wuz i here only to advertise for my friend’s blog? O.O hmmm oh welly ^^
I totaly agree, Click the button if you like it, don’t just leave a comment
YEAH~~~~~~ I just said like the same thing in my last blog YO
So people, gerroff you lazy bums and click the %#$@# I like it icon yo!
why isnt there a thumbs down function?
That option is stupid.
It should be removed, maimed, and annihilated from this website.
If people get worked up over not getting a “Thumbs up” over a blog, they need to end their life, too.
Although, many people dont feel anything when they read the blog, they should comment. Even though its not good its better to leave good comments other than bad ones. For example, me. I have writeen one blog and have been checking every hour, hoping someone will comment. But none did so i typed a please comment. Only to find one comment, you shouldnt say please comment, its like foring people to do something. So in the end i deletled evrything that was rubbish.
Yes I agree. xDD
EDIT: I agree about the blog.
oh i just figured that people just didnt wanna put a thumbs up
im picky when it comes to blogs
if it makes me think or laugh REALLY hard then maybe ill thumbs up but i think of it as a excellent/A+ kinda things not for a mediocre C/B