A second crack at Alishar

[Note: hope you liked the title ^^]

Well anyway, if you read my other blog, you’d know about how disastrous my first encounter with Alishar was. Anyway, since then, I’ve grown 5 levels and been invited to a couple of successful boss PQ’s. Well, on with the story.

So I was invited to join a PQ earlier today. None of them were above lvl 42, but I didn’t mind. So we got in, went through the stages fairly quickly, and it was a BIG surprise to all of us when we cleared stage 8 on the first try. Someone suggested we try the boss, and seeing as we cleared stage 8 almost instantly, there wasn’t gonna be a better chance.

The others missed too much, except the cleric, but he had to heal. So I practically had to solo the boss. We actually got pretty far, until Alishar started summoning Platoon Chronos, before we were overwhelmed. (How much should a lvl 42 and under party expect?)

I treat this as a good experience because it feels good to know one can do some decent damage to Alishar.

5 thoughts on “A second crack at Alishar”

  1. LOL nice, yea Alishar STILL wont put on a bra, i must have told him 500000 times. Dam obese penguin ~_O

  2. i know and i mean he has niples the least he could do is not show everybody.the first time I soloed at lvl 49 before ima clerics so it took a bit though

  3. [Note: hope you liked the title ^^]

    XD Was that meant to be a pun? Because it was pretty funny,

  4. [Note: hope you liked the title ^^]

    XD Was that meant to be a pun? Because it was pretty funny.

  5. Faelli said: “

    [Note: hope you liked the title ^^]”

    XD Was that meant to be a pun? Because it was pretty funny.

    Yeah, it was.

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