ZMM and My Twin

Yesterday, I went to the ZMM with my guildie TynoBandit. He took foreverrr getting to Vic Island ’cause he was in Omega. It was pretty fun, and we totally pwned it *cough* with about 4 other people. *cough* There was this level 71 CB with us. He looked like a girl. :O Ha ha. Sorry, off-topic. Then we went to the Macis and Spears. I lagged really, really badly and the other cleric died twice. My bad. Later on in the day, KPx1994 (my other guildie) and Tyno got in a “fight” in guild. They’re so melodramatic. x_X They both ended up quitting and rejoining. Good thing I’m a Jr. Master. 😀

Today. . . nothing happened. I went guild recruiting again, but no one wanted to join, so I logged off. D: Later on, I logged on again (30 minutes ago) and scanned the screen for my character. She was sitting in a relaxer. BUT WAIT! I don’t remember sitting down! Yeah, it wasn’t me. It was my TWIN! 😀 I never saw someone who looked so similar to my character before. It was weird, so I took screenies. Yay for my screenie button working for once.

Picture 1: My Twin o_O
Picture 2: There is no 2nd picture. :O My screenie button wasn’t working yesteday.

Edit: Okay, the picture won’t upload. Sorry.
At least the blog won’t take as long to load. 😀

One thought on “ZMM and My Twin”

  1. Yeah. It’s really cool and freaky to meet your twin ingame. XD I got a clone too; we were even at the same level when I found her. 😀 link

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