Tribute to My New Char

This is a short story I made in honor of my new character (Grape Taped to the Wall) which I recently created in RO.
pl0x dun b3 mean kthxbai.

Grape Taped To the Wall

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess. Her long, golden hair and porcelain skin made her well-known throughout the world. She lived in a lovely castle in a stumpy-ish hill with her parents, who were very loaded.

Although this princess– let’s call her . . . Rubia– was rich and pretty, she was also greedy; you wouldn’t know how rich she was by the way she acted. Sometimes, the villagers would see her sniping the less fortunate hobos with horse tranquilizers to steal their money! Gasp!

Anyways, moving on . . . One fateful Sunday at 8:38 a.m. Pacific Time (she lived in Southern California) Rubia was walking along a time-worn path when something round and semi-sparkly caught her eye. It gleamed dully in the morning sun, and her curiosity soon got the better of her. She leaned over and carefully plucked this odd object from its makeshift grave.

“OMG!” she shrieked. “A grape!” Her evil smirk gave away her appalling intentions. Obviously, you don’t know what she is about to do as you’re not here, so I’ll tell you.

Rubia looked to the left and right to make sure no one was watching (I was though, hehe) and quickly popped the poor grape into her mouth, sending the grape to its oblivion.

To make an otherwise long story short, I will summarize the following events in the next paragraph.

Rubia got horrible diarrhea and pooed it out. The grape was still intact, and was sent further from its “grave” by getting flushed. Over time, it finally ended up in Illinois—a hard, purple fossil by now. An overly zealous amateur archaeologist found it soon after, and taped it to his scrapbook where it lay for eight months. Finally, a bear chewed up the book because he hated the archaeologist. The grape shot out from his mouth as he bit down. I found the grape and taped it to my wall.

The End

5 thoughts on “Tribute to My New Char”

  1. Nice story behind da name xP
    me, im justa redwall fan xD
    loved that, totally random too! =DD

    -giggles in corner-

  2. LOL the ending cracked me up. grape taped to wall? ROFLMAOLOLcoolwhatLMAOROFLLMFAO. im killing myself.

  3. Thanks everyone ^__^
    @Oblivion: There are private servers, you know. They’re free, but vary slightly from official RO depending on the server (I play the private server AnimaRO).

  4. Yay, what a funny story you just made up about your character. AnimaRO, hmm, I think I used to play that o_o. Maybe I’ll try and download it and start playing.

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