Chocolates and Unrelated Topics

I’m starting to play my archer more, trying to get it to level 30. It’s been pretty fun. Mostly I’ve been PQing (for hours…) or grinding at Land of Wild Boar.

Over the weekend, I PQ’d a LOT. The best party I was in PQ’d for hours o_O Me, Sinzorl, and Kamui kept rushing in 😀 Sinzorl had to scout/suicide almost every time we were in bonus ^^. Also, the leader had diarrhea or something, and took long AFK breaks o_O

Today i went to LoWB, but it was waaay too laggy to train; instead I went to LoWB2. You might not know this, but there is a hacker in almost EVERY SINGLE CHANNEL. [To Bera: If you see people in the guild “Shock”, you might wanna watch out. I saw two of them hacking.] Basically I pressed Esc + Enter + -> + Enter for a while. It. Sucked. Then I got to channel 15 *angelic choir singing in backround*. It was overcrowded with legits trying to level, but it was better than competing with the hackers -_- I finally got to train (about 10%) and started to talk to some of the people there about hackers and altar pieces xD [This warrior, Raikium, gave me 22 altar pieces *big gasp!* ] pl0x fame him ;D I got a screenie here of these awesome chocolates. I didn’t get much training done, but he showed me that some Maplers are still nice/awesome/legit. Yay him *gives Raikium a slice of pie*

Also, in an unrelated topic, I got an A+ on my Bio project. We had to write a ton of papers and turn it into a magazine-type thing. On my cover story, I was missing about 700 words ’cause it was really late at night when I wrote it (darn my procrastination x_X), so I was pretty happy. WOOT! =P

I’ll probably rewrite this later, or just delete it since it sorta sucks . . .

EDIT: Actually, I’m just gonna keep it ’cause this was the first blog with a working screenie ^^. Hooray. Also, please ignore the megaphoning idiots in the backround. I’m sorry you had to hear/read that. There should be a megaphone-blocker or something . . .

*Poof* Saph dissapears in a bright flash of light.

5 thoughts on “Chocolates and Unrelated Topics”

  1. o_O
    I swear there’s someone in Khaini called BlakRose.

    No wait. It’s BlacRose. My mistake. Lol.

  2. Wow. Yeah, I found My first LionHeart on that map.
    I was going through what you were going through. I abandoned my hunter at 35. xD
    And good job on your studies. You’re going on the right track.

  3. @ RandomGuy: They were talking about Tele Tubbies. For the uneducated people out there : Tele Tubbies is a creepy TV show about fat, multi-colored, things with TV’s inserted in their stomachs.

    And a sun with a baby’s head burning to death. Who occasionally giggles.

  4. I watched teletubbies when I was 4 years old. Which may explain for my random bouts of insanity.
    The “fat purple one” is Tinky Winky, isn’t it? I remember he/she/it carried around a ghey purse.

    If you find wild boars crowded, maybe you should migrate to Ant Tunnel 1/2/3/4.

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