Funny/random quotes-read if bored

i was bored.some of these were rl experences

Welcome to the internet where boys are boys.. girls are boys.. and the little girls are FBI agents

Plyer 1: i have no friends im such a loner
Pro: my friends pwn u-me myself and I
plyer 2: im your friend

Boy: my mom’s a docter
Boy2: my mom’s a surgen
Boy3: my mom ownz u all -lvl 89 ice mage
~silence between the other 2 boys~

oh this is something someone did to me

Boy noob: can u be my bf?
Me: (silence for a while)..I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND DAM IT! (i made that up)
Boy noob: f6 … noob i meant best friend..
Me: . ~dies~
Tip: if u have a gf and want to dump her say u turned ghey.

(i must be getting really hot to guys cuz this one bites it)
Random guy: Alrite Babe?
Me: huh?
Random guy: alrite babe?
Me: .. emm yea.. im taken .. DAM GET AWAY FROM ME WHY AM I BEING NICE UR GHEY
Random guy: yea .. this is a joke ur on the forums ..
Me: … right..
5 min later i see my name on the forums being made fun of.. the joys -.-

Oh heres a hotkey i got from another game.. some guy was making fun of this girl named dough girl

Guy: push her belly she must be the pillsberry Guy2: poke Random girl :Idiots =.= CLICK DA BUTTON!

4 thoughts on “Funny/random quotes-read if bored”

  1. huh?
    in the flurry of words i saw, the only words i took notice of were

  2. It was, ok, But heres something even better since it actually happened, and not in a game.
    About 3 years ago, me, my mom, my dad, and my older brother were in our car heading home from the “Camisarry.” <–REALLY big supermarket
    On the way, we stopped at a stoplight and a truck pulled up next to us. The guy in the passenger seat rolled down his window and motioned for my mom to roll down her’s. She did, and the guy in the side seat looked at us with a puzzled look and ask. “Excuse me, do u have any Grap-Pupon?” (that mustard stuff) and my mom answered “Why Yes I do” (which is funny cause we had bought it at the Camisarry, the light turned green and we drove off.

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