LOLWUT? Beyond lame.

Fine, I played FlyFF for five hours straight again.


I was on my mage, Fayl, level 28. ‘Kay so, my new friend and I decided we wanted to try our hands at bounty hunting. Then we found that neither of us had ever been in the PK server. Aaand we found out that you don’t just FIND someone with a bounty on their head and kill him/her. There were like, two people online. Maybe there were more in Darkon, but we’re only level 28 anyway. As we’re flying near some of those Troupe Bang members I remember that I need to kill one for a quest, forgetting that I am NOT using my level 38 character and they will actually give me damage. Especially with 25 sta. (2 of those sta points are from an item, too.)

Anyway, that wasn’t really all that bad since I had plenty of food. But these things could probably kill me in like… three or four hits, say. And by the time I realize that the hotkey I’m pressing doesn’t have anything on it, I’m dead.

(I put my food on hotkeys because my screen is too small to keep my inventory window open, so I made it a habit to hotkey food.)

So I’m like, “Oh whatever, I’ll lodelight and come back. The lodelight isn’t far from here.”

But I forget that MY lodelight is in Saint Morning. (At least it wasn’t Darkon, I guess…) ON TOP OF THAT, as soon as I get there someone with no equips starts to attack me. By hand. He had a green name, and since the only other person in my party was my friend, he was definitely NOT my party mate.


Never been in PK server before. Immediate reflex: “Best defense is offense!” *ATTACK*

He died in one hit. On-screen message tells me my karma has gone down. Oh well, it was just my innocent n00b reallylowsta mage defending himself against some jerk. (As I stood at the lodelight telling my friend about what had happened, the dude respawned at the lodelight and put on all his equips and I found him to be level 31. o_o Buddy, you don’t just PLAY WITH PEOPLE LIKE THAT. He made my karma go boo-boo…)

Then we flew around again and got bored so we played around in the buildings at Saint Morning, in town. I’m running around buildings and see some guards and for some reason one gets a -vein- emote over his head. Then another one does the same thing. They start firing stuff, and I realize they’re firing at ME. I vaguely remember something about guards being in aggro mode against people with bad karma.

So I’m like, “LOL i’m dedd” and lode.

. . .

BAM, I’m in jail. Now, I vaguely remember something about an island in the PK server for people who get killed having bad karma. I also vaguely remember that it is inescapable except for doing some excruciatingly long quest or sitting around until the karma goes back to neutral. (Even then I don’t know what to do.)

Er–I take the quest. Kill 200 pumpkins. (By the way, did you know you don’t get exp in jail? I did not know that.)

Somewhere around 10 pumpkins, I decide to explore my environment, and I get stuck between a wall and a curtain of vines. I have no idea how I got there. It had something to do with jumping. After a while I decided to use that “5 min casting time” teleport thing, which stopped working in the middle three times so in reality it took me somewhere around 8 minutes to get myself out.

I got to around 45/200 pumpkins before I had to log out and start being productive in real life.

Ohhhhh right and I took lots of screenshots today, mostly just boredom screenies. But yeah, I mentioned that I play FlyFF on a different computer… None of those are on here. So here is a picture of something that happens to be in my file folder on this computer.

YES, IT’S RELATED TO MY MMO. If this program were real it would be very useful in stopping one’s cat from playing your game while you’re afk and thus avoid any accidental attacks on giants and whatnot. In fact, this is related to just about ALL MMO’s.

I decided against that fanfic, by the by. =3 I really have to start focusing on the SAT and my Pitt course. I wouldn’t finish it by the end of summer anyway.

*sigh* Summer, already halfway through… I won’t be playing FlyFF during the school year either. Junior year alone will be frustrating enough.

8 thoughts on “LOLWUT? Beyond lame.”

  1. Ah, FlyFF. I’ll edit that in. ^^; Putting it in the tags made me forget to actually say,

  2. My cat’s a bastard, so of course he would pull a stunt like walking on the keyboard.

  3. SilverFx said: “You get bad karma from killing a lvl 31? o_O
    I don’t get that.”

    Yeah, I don’t get it either. The admins and my mage have a bone to pick.

  4. Lol, sometimes when my cat gets hungry, it jumps onto my keyboard and block the pc screen and meows at me.
    What I do is give it duck food or beat up

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