So recently I’ve been training my page-to-be. Well actually, not training per se. I’ve been participating in the little-known activity known as the Henesys lure PQ.
In fact, I’m a lurer. And I’m freakin’ awesome at it. [/narcissism]
Well anyways, I think you all could do with some background on lure PQing.
So in HPQ, when the stirges, flyeyes, and blins (which I will collectively abbreviate as stirgeyes) come out to attack the moon bunny, a normal PQ will want to kill the monsters before they reach the bunny. Simple, right? Unfortunately, this is often difficult for a team of first jobbers, because… well… they come in all directions. And no one can attack in all directions, yet.
This is where luring comes in.
Basically, a warrior with a weak attack weapon uses Slash Blast to hit all the stirgeyes once, make them follow him/her, and lead them to a corner while the bunny makes moon cakes in peace. Kudos to whoever came up with this, because it’s ingenious.
“But it violates the ToS!”
Nuh-uh. Smuggling violates the ToS. Smuggling and luring are often associated with each other, because luring is the only way you can get enough cakes in one round to make smuggling worth it. Luring and smuggling in HPQ can be summed up in one word that most Maplers have come to hate: GLITCHING.
I don’t condone glitching. I’ll admit, I’ve GHPQ’d a couple times. It’s devilishly fast, and it’s where luring shows its full potential, but it’s wrong anyway. So I don’t do it anymore.
But luring without smuggling is perfectly legal. Luring may not be the way the game designers intended for you to complete that stage, but in the end you’re still protecting the bunny. It’s no less legal than that thing in Ludi PQ stage 2 where half the party stays back while the other half breaks the box.
So yeah. That’s the basics of how lure HPQing works. If you want to become a lurer, you’ll scroll down to the last part of my blog for a mini-guide on it, but first comes a little anecdote.
My first lure PQ was in fact a glitch PQ. I had been training at Pig Beach for the past couple of levels, and decided to HPQ for a change.
As fate would have it, I was recruited into a glitching party as a lurer.
I still owe my knowledge of this PQ method to the leader of that first party, whose IGN I will keep secret. She was a hacker and a smuggler – both activities I don’t condone – but more importantly she was friendly and willing to help a nub like me learn this. She did not kick me when she learned I had no luring experience. No, she taught me step by step how to do it, and was not angry when I kept killing the stirges the first time. So wherever you are, ———, thank you for that.
My first luring weapon was a level 1 sword. This is NOT a good luring weapon; it has 15 weapon attack, which is too high and will kill the stirgeyes in only a couple of hits. However, in my nubbiness, I somehow managed to lure pretty well with it. (My record was 80ish mooncakes. Skiiillz. XD)
A couple levels later, I quit glitching. Legit lure PQ would be slower, but luring was fun anyways. I also decided to get a proper luring weapon at around this time. So I bought a blue maple flag (1 attack) off some random FM shop for 65k.
When I started using it, and started hitting 1’s constantly, it almost felt like a form of cheating. It required a LOT less skill and luck to keep the stirgeyes in a clump. I never realized how annoying it’d been to have random ones flying off, or trying to prevent them from doing just that and accidentally killing them in the process.
So yeah. Still (legitly) LHPQing, I’ll probably come back in full force after finals are over and get to 30 at last. Heh.
Alright, now who wants to learn how to lure?
You sure? T_T
-no answer-
-crickets chirp-
-starts explaining anyway-
So let’s start. In order to lure, you need to be doing 1 damage. Warriors make the best lurers since they have slash blast, which attacks six stirgeyes at once, but in order to pull this off you’ll need a 1 attack weapon: either a maple flag or pumpkin basket. If you’re a mage, sin, luk dit, or strless archer, put on a level 1 sword and you can get started right away, although you won’t get as good results since you can only hit one at a time. For str dits and normal-build archers, you’ll have to get a flag or basket.
Next, go to channel 1 with a generic J>PQ message. Be sure to include the word ‘lure’ in there somewhere. Eventually you’ll be invited to a lure party (hopefully; sometimes I join a normal PQ, and I end up having to teach them lure. It’s a headache to get them to stop attacking the stirgeyes and let me do my job -_-).
From there, follow standard HPQ procedure: find a channel and get in, whack plants for seeds, and place them in their correct places.
The moon bunny should come out.
This is where things get interesting. If you’re the appointed lurer, hit all the stirgeyes once (make sure to get them all; even one that’s left behind can give the moon bunny hell) and run all the way right. If you did it correctly, the stirgeyes will follow you there. The rest of the party should go hug the left side, or just anywhere out of the way.
Short clip of how it’s done: Clickie!
While you’re waiting for the mooncakes, hit all the stirgeyes once every 15-20 seconds or so. This ensures that they won’t lose aggression status and start attacking the moon bunny again. (If one flies away by accident, you’ll either have to go and fetch it again, or have another party member lure it away. Same goes if one gets killed and is spawned again.)
Once you’ve got ten mooncakes, have the leader loot them all and clear the stage. Rush, lather, repeat, gain EXP, level up.
And that’s about it ^^ I won’t go into how glitching is done, for obvious reasons, but it should be pretty straightforward from here =/
Happy Mapling
Sounds fun. :3 Though why can’t you kill them? They’ll spawn again?
Yeah. There’s supposed to be waves of 10 or so stirgeyes coming at a time. But if you don’t kill any, no new ones spawn XD
I wasn’t aware of any glitch in HPQ >_>;
Thanks for explaining lure though, I wasn’t aware of how it worked at first.
I prefer usin lightnin >
I know how to glitch, but it’s only theoretical knowledge :/

I don’t recall smuggling againsts the TOS. Yes I did read it. No I do not have no life. Yes I was bored.
Smuggling = abusing a glitch.
Edit: link