First blog

One of my friends made one of these thingys, so I decided to try it out

I’m currently keeping track of two of my characters journeys on LiveJournal. I would repost here, but I don’t think you can change the date on entries? It’d be rather confusing otherwise. I’ll just keep those where they are and make this my general one. I might post the links to those later, once I actually get back to updating it.

Today wasn’t so exciting, really. I logged on Broiled and attempted to get the leaf earrings. I just need the leaves and the stump’s teardrop or whatever. I normally keep a load of leaves on some of my lower leveled characters, but so wasn’t the case this time. I have to collect all 100 leaves, without just borrowing from my other characters. Fun stuff. Especially when I can’t remember the exact places to find a good spawn of dark stumps [which, as I remember, isn’t that good in the first place].

Well, anyway, maybe I’ll actually use this thing for once. Better than spamming my LJ with Maple stuffs that probably half my friends don’t care about

Random screens of my characters later. I don’t really have screens anymore, since they don’t show up in my screen folder anymore, due to the recent patch, I’m assuming. I’ve heard that was an issue. Normally those little random issues don’t affect me, but this time it hit me where it hurts. I love taking screens T.T and now I have to Print Screen, minimize, paste in Paint, and save to get screens. Grawl.

30 thoughts on “First blog”

  1. HIHIHI!

    hahaha. Welcome!

    Anyways, I can probably keep you company as you search for leaves, I havent done that quest yet lol. That would be a good time to take lots of screens together. I havent taken any in a while lol.

  2. Welcome to MMOTales.

    Another good blogger I see. . .

    I’m not really known on this site, so I’ll leave the formal welcome to someone else more prominent.


    I have that same bloody problem and I used the same bloody solution. :]

  3. Welcome to MMOTales. BlackNazgul is the resident fanfic writer, Ganzicus is gifted with comics, Dest1 is the funny guy. NobodyNight does interviews. I think that’s all the important people. And myself, I make some comics, attempted a fic, and gotten myself known here. Oh! There’s also Jesus, a Nazgul wannabe

  4. Anima said: “Welcome to MMOTales. BlackNazgul is the resident fanfic writer, Ganzicus is gifted with comics, Dest1 is the funny guy. NobodyNight does interviews. I think that’s all the important people. And myself, I make some comics, attempted a fic, and gotten myself known here. Oh! There’s also Jesus, a Nazgul wannabe


    See what I mean?

    I mean.


    -runs off crying-

  5. I am n. . .whatever. I am not a Nazgul wanna be!

    Anima said: “Welcome to MMOTales. BlackNazgul is the resident fanfic writer, Ganzicus is gifted with comics, Dest1 is the funny guy. NobodyNight does interviews. I think that’s all the important people. And myself, I make some comics, attempted a fic, and gotten myself known here. Oh! There’s also Jesus, a Nazgul wannabe
  6. Jesus said: “I am n. . .whatever. I am not a Nazgul wanna be!

    Anima said: “Welcome to MMOTales. BlackNazgul is the resident fanfic writer, Ganzicus is gifted with comics, Dest1 is the funny guy. NobodyNight does interviews. I think that’s all the important people. And myself, I make some comics, attempted a fic, and gotten myself known here. Oh! There’s also Jesus, a Nazgul wannabe


    Anima deserves to get his arse wooped in Kart Rider! >=O

  7. -slaps Anima- How dare you miss all the other more famous people! D<

    Anyways. Welcome to the site! I’m sure you’ll be well liked throughout the site


  8. As long as you’re literate. :33

    And yeah, I feel your pain. I take like, wut, a LOT of screenies each time I log on. So currently I have over 20k total. >>;;

  9. I should probably rejoin the welcoming commitee

    but i’m too lazy =/

    Welcome blah blah blah

    Just follow the rules, kay?

  10. Welcome to MMOT

    Famous people that you should admire:

    Captain (Creator of MMOT/Basil/Gamer411/etc)
    Dest1 (Moi)
    NobodyNight/nobody3223 (Interviews MMOs people)
    Waffle (Chocolate flaky)
    SilverFx (She go boom)
    fpooned (Ninja…talks in third person)
    Mipsacri (The moderator)
    BlackNazgul (The resident fanfic writer)
    AliyahRoyal (The girl that everyone on MMOT loves, yes even the women)
    OlevIze (AliyahRoyal’s sister)
    Ganzicus (Comic genius)
    Annikabelle (Hyper citrus lemon woman)
    AxiomFable (He calls himself Michelle/Michael/Micheal or whatever, no one knows his gender)
    MasterCheeze (The guy who makes “your mom” jokes)
    mrlumpy (A lumpy man of 46)
    drunkdaddy (He touched Michael Jackson)
    vicelin (Guyish name, but she is a woman. WOMAN!)
    MoonriseWolf (*Howl*)
    FirstKnight (Homg chicken lickin)
    Jesus (The man who sacrificed himself)
    Darkwar4ever (The video production guy of MMOT)
    Kataro (The female video maker of MMOT)
    Grimno (Eccentric maniac)
    AznxKnife (He’ll cut you)
    tarheel91 (Debate master)
    FireLeo86 (Makes stories and such)
    Fenrir (Werewolf that eats children)
    Leifgreen (Loves leafs sleeps with them at night)
    Guruji (Gonna-be-a-millionare game producer dude of MMOT)
    Pirkid (Loves Gujju)
    Gujju (-insert text-)
    ShiningWings (Comments too much on blogs)
    Anima (Uses too many plotholes)
    MeepsterXP (Duckie)
    dee32693 (hyper female -insert more text-)
    lazydame (He’s lazy, what can I say?)
    AznRiceFan (Made the longest fan fiction series ever on MMOT)
    Eden (That’s what it is)
    Snowhamster (Fluffy!)
    Guosim (lol genderless, but people think he is male)
    EpicTales (Epic. Tales.)
    Imppala (Plays too many games. Went 48+ hours without sleep once)
    Wolfguy184 (The guy who most people like)
    Repty (Rawr)
    Shatred/Taelin (-insert text plox-)

    And that’s all I could think of. I wrote that entirely by hand, by the way

  11. For a moment i thought you forgot Aliyah

    you had a Bishslap coming your way Dest1

    but you didn’t forget and for that, you get a waffle

  12. Ganzicus said: “-slaps Anima- How dare you miss all the other more famous people! D<

    Anyways. Welcome to the site! I’m sure you’ll be well liked throughout the site


    -slaps anima- i dont know,, WHAT! Ganzicus did it

  13. Dest1 said: “Welcome to MMOT

    Famous people that you should admire:

    Captain (Creator of MMOT/Basil/Gamer411/etc)
    Dest1 (Moi)
    NobodyNight/nobody3223 (Interviews MMOs people)
    Waffle (Chocolate flaky)
    SilverFx (She go boom)
    fpooned (Ninja…talks in third person)
    Mipsacri (The moderator)
    BlackNazgul (The resident fanfic writer)
    AliyahRoyal (The girl that everyone on MMOT loves, yes even the women)
    OlevIze (AliyahRoyal’s sister)
    Ganzicus (Comic genius)
    Annikabelle (Hyper citrus lemon woman)
    AxiomFable (He calls himself Michelle/Michael/Micheal or whatever, no one knows his gender)
    MasterCheeze (The guy who makes “your mom” jokes)
    mrlumpy (A lumpy man of 46)
    drunkdaddy (He touched Michael Jackson)
    vicelin (Guyish name, but she is a woman. WOMAN!)
    MoonriseWolf (*Howl*)
    FirstKnight (Homg chicken lickin)
    Jesus (The man who sacrificed himself)
    Darkwar4ever (The video production guy of MMOT)
    Kataro (The female video maker of MMOT)
    Grimno (Eccentric maniac)
    AznxKnife (He’ll cut you)
    tarheel91 (Debate master)
    FireLeo86 (Makes stories and such)
    Fenrir (Werewolf that eats children)
    Leifgreen (Loves leafs sleeps with them at night)
    Guruji (Gonna-be-a-millionare game producer dude of MMOT)
    Pirkid (Loves Gujju)
    Gujju (-insert text-)
    ShiningWings (Comments too much on blogs)
    Anima (Uses too many plotholes)
    MeepsterXP (Duckie)
    dee32693 (hyper female -insert more text-)
    lazydame (He’s lazy, what can I say?)
    AznRiceFan (Made the longest fan fiction series ever on MMOT)
    Eden (That’s what it is)
    Snowhamster (Fluffy!)
    Guosim (lol genderless, but people think he is male)
    EpicTales (Epic. Tales.)
    Imppala (Plays too many games. Went 48+ hours without sleep once)
    Wolfguy184 (The guy who most people like)
    Repty (Rawr)
    Shatred/Taelin (-insert text plox-)

    And that’s all I could think of. I wrote that entirely by hand, by the way

    I wanna beat AznRiceFan’s record.

  14. MasterCheeze [mast-ur-cheez] : One that has the ability to lead and command that of dairy products; also lactos intolerant.

    Ganzicus [gan-zi-cuss] : Pertaining to Mexican race and/or the ability to make 1337 comics and edits.

    Waffle [woff-ul] : Like a pancake, but has a checkered pattern; good with syrup and butter.

    Mipsacri [mip-stir] : Oh, yah, I forgot to put her here. She’s the, uh, mod or something.

    SilverFx [sil-vur-eff-eckz] : One letter short of “Silver Fox,” a popular sitcom in the 70’s.

    AliyahRoyal [al-ee-ya-roy-al] : Hawtness covered in sugar and shidazee frogs times two.

    OlevIze [olive-juice] : Bread n’ butter to AliyahRoyal.

    applebomb [ap-ul-bom] : Nuclear device invented in the Civil War era to make your foes all sticky and stuff.

    Dest1 [dest-one] : A four-letter word with the number “one” at the end of it.

    Annikabelle [an-i-ka-bell] : Not capable of being sane. synonyms: psychotic, crazy, looney

    dee32693 [dee-three-two-six-nine-three] : Crazy little munchkin that wanders the hallways of schools.

    Anima [an-i-ma] : One letter short of the word “animal.” synonyms: frisky, wild, awnery

    pirkid [purr-kid] : A kind of chip that is made from potato skins and baked for 10 minutes in a 400° oven (also taught me the Alt-code for making the degree symbol).

    tarheel91 [snake-nerd] : A snake nerd that rambles too much.

    fpooned [eff-poon-duh] : A frickin’ insanely awesome ninja that speakeths in the third tongue.

    Guosim [goo-oh-sim] : A girl I think.

    repty [rep-tee] : A boy I think.

    AxiomFable [ax-ee-om-fay-bul] : A creature whose gender is unknown and will never be deciphered.

    sapphire8 [saf-ire-eight] : A girl in mah book ‘cuz that’s a pretty girly name if I ever saw one.

    BlackNazgul [black-naz-gul] : A nazgul that is black, and is a popular character in the LotR movies. Died by a chick I might add. ;D

    MasterCheeze [mast-ur-cheez] : So awesome he was mentioned twice (also who I am).

    NobodyNight [no-budy-n+eye-tuh] : Wishes he was as awesome as I (seen above).

    Fenrir [fen-RAWR] : A wolfie-man that transforms on a full moon; eats little children along with muffins.

    Wolfguy184 [wolf-gay-one-eight-four] : Er, I think I made a typo on the pronunciation of his name.

    Eden [ee-dun] : *filler*

    FireLeo86 [f+eye-ya-lee-oh] : Eden’s lover? I dunno.

    AznRiceFan [asian-rice-fan] : A fan of Asian rice, or a fan of rice who is Asian; who knows?

    Zhlon [z-lon] : Brother to Zhlink.

    Zhlink [z-link] : Sister to Zhlon.

    Zhlamma Jamma Wamma [z-lamma-wamma-jamma] : Compadre’ of Zhlon and Zhlink.

    MeepsterXP [meep-meep-honk-honk-blargh] : Odoyle rules!

    Leifgreen [leaf-green] : Christian-lover of leaves. Has been accused of violating many a bushes in his time.

    lazydame [laze-ee-dame] : A crazy broad who isn’t very active.

    EpicTales [ep-ick-tale-zuh] : A tale that is epic. synonyms: EpicStory, EpicLegend, EpicTaco

    ShiningWings [shine-ing-wing-zuh] : Wings that are shiny? I have no clue here, folks.

    AznxKnife [asian-ecks-nife] : A knife that’s Asian, and looks like an X or a + sign tilted 90°.

    Grimno [grumbo] : An eccentric bear that carries around a doll that he loves very much, and probably found in a dumpster.

    LunarPanda [loon-argh-pan-durr] : A panda that is a bear, fuzzy, white and black, and has a face, just like the planet Earth’s moon. antonyms: SolarPanda

    Iepiat [eye-eat-pie] : A neurological disorder where the victim loses all recollection of their identity, life’s events, and data of all other peopalz. Side effects include heartburn, upset stomach, indigestion, and extreme rectal bleeding.

    MasterCheeze [dok-tore-ken-eth-noyse-wat-ur] : Likes to copy Dest1’s ideas. ;D

    drunkdaddy [drunk-dad-ee] : One that comes home late and night and totally wails on his wife and kids.

    mrlumpy [mist-ur-lump-ee] : A child’s toy that is a lump which you can dress up. synonyms: Mr. Potato Head

    Cinnamon [sin-uh-man(say with a Cuban accent)] : The polar opposite of frog.

    DarkDragoon [dark-drag-ooooooooon] : A dragoon that is dark (okay, I’ll admit I was lazy on that one).

    SouledOut [sole-duh-out] : To lose one’s soul on a date; sucks some major balls I tell you what, especially if it happens before desert.

    xXVEGGIEXx [ecks-ECKS-VEG-EE-ECKS-ecks] : Another one of ’em hoodlums whose gender is unknown; likes to stalk the chicas.

    Roisin [rose-in] : A smexual position in which the– I won’t get into it.

    EvilStranger [eev-ail-strange-uh] : One of those guys that follows you down a hall, and then you turn around to see whose behind you, and noone’s there, and then you turn around again, and he’s staring you right in the face and you die.

    AwSnapeLz [aww-snap-ellez] : An expression that is used when you get screwed over. “Aw snapelz I got shot in the chest!”

    greenday [green-day] : A day that is green, vvtf?

    Quang13 aka Quack [quang-thir-teen-aye-kay-aye-quack] : A hoodlum that eats little children and tastes good with apricot sauce.

    MoonriseWolf [moon-rise-wulf] : What teenagers do to passerbies in their car. synonyms: mooning, temporarily blinding

    TheAssulter [thee-ass-ult-ur] : The one that assults…urz.

    SirPainsalot [sir-pains-in-the-ass] : A terrible knight who can’t do jack squat when it comes to knighting.

    Wsxedcr08 [dubba-you-cries-after-smex-oh-eight] : Someone I like to give crap to over their name.

    HeeroJay [hee-roh-jay] : Someone that dissapeared, along with a part of my heart.

    B1ackCleric1 [black-ballah-one] : A crazy cracka that be rollin’ all night long wit dos hoes fa sho, biznatch.

    sammyboy777 [sam-ee-mah-boy-seven-seven-seven] : He’s sammy… and he’s mah boy. He has three 7’s in his name as well. I don’t know why though…

    Rain [rayne] : What comes from the sky when the clouds are sad.

    irlazybum [eye-argh-laz-ee-bum] : A bum that is nothing but lazy; goes around asking for hooch all the time which usually results in a slap when asked to women.

    MasterCheeze [mast-ur-chee] : Just wanted to be mentioned again ‘cuz this is his MMOTaler-dictionary thing.

    nezinshadows (Nezzy!#%#@%*@#)%(@#)#@(%#*] : One that is nezzy and likes to scwatch attack. :3

    Darkwar4ever [Darkie!@#!#!@!%!#%@%(#@*%##] : The last person on mah list ‘cuz he’s a dork. (my dork that is)

    Okay, I think I got about everyone on mah buddy list and other people I could think of. Hope you enjoy reading that as much as I did making it. ;D

  15. LOL.

    Way to go, roseblood. Yours is the first entry I’ve seen to inspire people to make not one, but two lists of MMOtalers in one go. XD
    Welcome to the nuthouse~

    I very much prefer blogging about Maple in here than in my LJ. I mean, 90% of my friends don’t play Maple, so why spam their Flists with my inane ingame mumbling? XD And I get to interact with a lot more nutcases around here. XD

  16. Ahaha. I get what you mean. Imppala and a whole gang of other guys used to play DoTA in the school computer labs everyday, and I picked up random things along the way too, hanging out in there.

  17. applebomb said: “I now hate everyone except cheeze and he smells funny so I hate him too kthnxbai.”


  18. Anima said: “Welcome to MMOTales. BlackNazgul is the resident fanfic writer, Ganzicus is gifted with comics, Dest1 is the funny guy. NobodyNight does interviews. I think that’s all the important people. And myself, I make some comics, attempted a fic, and gotten myself known here. Oh! There’s also Jesus, a Nazgul wannabe


    there’s tons you missed


    I could go on but those are the ones that matter the most

    Cause Mip is a mod (BOOOOOOORING. . .)
    Silver is AWESOME!
    and Aliyah is sexy

  19. Welcome to MMOTales! As you see in Eden’s post, I am the resident fanfic writer. Beware the fell beast and etc .

    -=The Nazgul=-

  20. LOLZ1! =D

    i wander the halls of mmotales and wonder

    is this site dying?

    but i have hope again

    a bustle of action

    so many people!

    happy i thoguht to myself?

    but no

    it is once again a tomb

    a place where blogs fall dead

    and the new people are forgotten

    like leaves in the wind

    but i still have hope

    that all will be right again

    zomg that poem was horrible! D=<

    i will totally annoy others by doping it over and over again1! >=P


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