
So, I have decided that I am so bored, I am going to do every single quest on my in-progress and avalible lists. Even the ones that I should have done as a noob. Like, “I need help with my homework.” This is ironic, because I am lvl 33. So, I might have a good time with some of the ones, I do really want to do the mystery of niora hospital. Well, I’m off to collect firewood. And sticks. And slime bubbles. Oh boy 😉

4 thoughts on “Questing”

  1. Not to bring your mood down, but being Level 33 and saying Lv10 quests are ‘noob’ is somewhat ironic.

  2. I recently started doing all my quests too. Thing is, I’m level 41 and some of the 25s are still less than a walk in the park. Dude, you’re never going to finish them ALL. But you might finish a lot of them if you have a lot of time on your hands.

  3. I do all quests. Except that stupid Nependeath’s Honey quest.

    Those are too rare.

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