More Mardia Madness.

Alliteration ftw. Haha. The following events happened yesterday, day before, and probably a few days before too. I can’t remember now. I’ve been saving up til I had enough to write about, otherwise I’d just be making multiple short blogs about the same thing, and I hate doing that.

My best-friend-irl and I have been having a splendid time wreaking havoc across Mardia with our random silly acts. No one’s usually around to witness these, but we imagine the expressions of people if they did, and we are doubled over laughing at them.

Sometimes LunarPanda joins us, if I poke him hard enough, haha. But then he has to go take a power nap. Do we tire you that much? Haha, just kidding.

We do train. . . tonight we gained a level. We’re all around the same level (well, were… Panda’s one behind us now), which is currently level 15.

I found out sadly that one cannot fall off the cliff outside of Henesys anymore; woe. When the snails bump into you, you immediately stand up. It used to be they bumped you and pushed you all the way off the cliff, so you landed in the far corner in a sitting position. I wish I still had a screenie of when I did that in Scania, but alas I have reinstalled MS since then, and had deleted all screenshots.

Just some of the highlights of the past few days (screenshots forthcoming):

My friend and I decided to do a Tour of Death. This is where you go to as many places as you can, with higher-level monsters than you, and try not to die. You have to do this as soon as you level, so you don’t lose any precious exp.

We had plans to go to NLC, KFT, and Zipangu. But alas, we were only level 13 at the time, and could not afford any trip. So we decided to put it off and level. Haha.

My friend suggested we go jump into the golem pit right before Sleepywood. She really wanted to die that day. I deemed this an excellent idea and we set forth. We made the jump, but it took us a little while to die. We should have died instantly, being level 14 and very little hp, but it took almost 5 seconds for us to die! LOL. We were both shocked. We were not lagging, but that was strange.

We stayed as ghosts for awhile, making faces at the monsters, at which point they’d all come rushing toward us, and when we stopped making faces, they’d move back. It was hilarious, and kinda spooky too.

We went to Kerning today to buy my equips after we both levelled, and since we’re both huge Harry Potter fans, we pretended to order HP-style drinks at the bar, and then I noticed the Dark Lord, and that reminded me of the Dark Lord Voldemort so I told my friend we should go visit him, and hilarity ensued, especially after Panda joined us. Hehe.

Then Panda had to go take a nap, so we went to Ellinia so my friend could buy her equips. We ran around doing crazy stuff for quite some time, before each of us got bored and exited the game.

It’s so great on Mardia, it reminds me of my beginning fun times on Scania. I remember when Scania and (oh dear, now I’ve forgotten. . . it’s been too long) Bera (or Broa) were the only two servers, and I chose Scania, making a bunch of friends, most of whom I still see on Mardia today. I believe it was Bera, cos then came Broa. But feel free to correct me (gently!) if I’m wrong.

My friend and I also made two more characters to play, just with each other, whenever we get bored of our others. Unknowingly, we had chosen the same darkest skin, almost the same-looking eyes. Just the hair was different, and the fact that hers is male and mine is female. My char has orange hair that looks like JadeRat’s, and my friend’s is blond-ish or something, can’t really tell, since she chose the bald style. Haha. Anyway, one sucky thing is we were walking through newbie island, just minding our own business when this guy jumps out of nowhere and starts following us.

We ignore him and go on our merry way, talking and laughing to ourselves, when the guy makes an f5 face and goes, “ewww, black people!” Now that really just pissed me off, to see such blatant racism in MS. I know it’s there, and I have been the victim of it before, when I’ve played other dark-skinned characters or let slip that I’m half-Japanese.

Hacking and racism are two things I will not tolerate in that game, so I told my friend to wait there and I’d follow the guy (cos he ran off afterwards) and report him for harassment. I knew exactly where he was headed; there was only one place to go. Of course he had to be at the bottom of the map though. So I jumped down there, braving the masses of red snails and walked around for awhile.

He was surprised I had followed him and expressed this by just one “!”, but he didn’t make any more slurs or racial comments towards me. He was too busy trying to figure out if I was going to ks him or something, haha. Finally I got into the right spot and, sure he wasn’t going to move or leave (he was busy fighting after deciding I wasn’t a threat) I right-clicked, chose “report for harassment and include log” from the options, then quickly got out of there.

After that my mood was dampened and I didn’t feel like playing MS anymore. Neither did my friend, so we logged off. Then we had all the fun in Mardia with Panda, and it lightened our moods the next day. Hehe.

EvilStranger (Max) said over MSN that I shouldn’t worry about things like that, and I’m too sensitive. I know it’s true, but still. . . if I let that slip, he’d just go do it to someone else. Who knows how many people he’d already done it to, and those people just let it slip by.

Pics now~! Linked since there are a lot. And they’re in reverse order. XD

Cody has a dual personality! He thinks he’s from Nexon, but he’s really from Wizet!

Me, Panda, and my friend playing around in the Jazz bar.

Look, it’s Voldemort!

More Harry Potter nerdishness. Shut up. I love the stories. XD

Death in the Golem pit!

Almost twins!

We really are twins, now

7 thoughts on “More Mardia Madness.”

  1. I think Cody is just seriously confused, that’s all.

    *pokes Rose* SEASEASEA. ^-^

  2. Hehe, true. “I’m from Wizet, really! NO! I’M FROM NEXON! Uhm. . . what? Don’t look at me like that! Here’s a barbecue.”

    XD I keep forgetting about SEA DX. I shall sign on straightaway!

  3. Er. . . I’ll be on as soon as it patches. DX

    It’s going incredibly slowly. I’m sure I’ll be 90 years old before the patch is done, haha.

  4. Cheezy: Hehe. I have no fear of him, or a name~ XD

    Anbu: Well, yes and no. There’s now a little “training camp” thing that is meant to help newbies to MS. It’s weird. But the island itself still looks the same, and all the quests are the same.

    Shining: Haha, cool.

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