First off, what is with all the 2-liner nonsense blogs? That’s getting quite annoying. STOP. IT. </soapbox>
1. New look for my wiz and scout.
2. New look for my fighter as well, and yay, finally got them all to look like they’re sitting on a bench. Haha. Ele doesn’t get a new look til lvl 16.
3. Oh, the drama!
In GE today, 3 out of 4 members of my family are level 13. It’s weird, Liathloach (my scout) used to be the slowest to level up when I had him partnered with Dubhloach and Foghmhar (wiz, fighter, respectively). Now that I have him partnered with Eibhinn (elementalist) and Dubhloach, he gains exp faster than they do, and is always the first to level up now.
Today we went fighting at Al Quelt Moreza, and that place is so crowded. Luckily I found a little secluded hallway and started to fight. There was one more family afking there, but they didn’t bother me. Suddenly a rush of people came by and another family tried to take my spot but that wasn’t happening. . . except, I got mobbed and every member of my family died. D:
I couldn’t move or attack anything, but everything else could attack me. So I shutdown the game through the task manager, since I couldn’t even get the menu to work, and restarted the game. That was evil lag.
I changed channels, then guided my little family back to that secluded hallway. All was great for awhile, and something strange happened: a cask appeared. Another family was coming and I ran to click on it, not knowing what it did. But it was sweet as I saw loot drop out of it. Yay! We rushed around picking it up, leaving the other family just standing there watching us. Apparently this hallway has random things spawn in it, cos after they left, a level 14 big boss-type-wolfie-thing spawned.
Uh-oh. My clan cheerfully set themselves to fighting it, but they didn’t last long. The beast ran around and started terrorising other families, and one by one they couldn’t kill it either. Apparently the thing regenerates hp, cos when it got back to my turn (actually, I didn’t want a turn but the beast came and attacked, forcing me), his hp was fully healed. (x_x)
Finally, as we lay dying (sounds like a song lyric or something XD), some family lured it away and peace reigned once more in that tiny hallway. And we were able to level up to 13. Yay!
Oh and late last night or early this morning (I forgot), I got to add and talk to Silver! I’m working on adding the rest of you. (^__^) . . . it’s annoying how your chat window will disappear everytime you go through a gate.
Lately it’s been hard for me to get on at the “popular” times, so I play late at night or very early in the morning. Although today I was able to play at a popular time ( hence all that lag D: ).
Ya, that wolf thing killed me too, but mine was lvl 15. . .
Then, there was that lvl 90 dragon thing.
Ebilthings. >O
I remember that big wolf thing.
I owned it and picket up the megatalt that it dropped.
danm right! it said “Mega Talt – Isvara”
I give up on downloading it. D:
Dumb mozzy glitch attack.
Cerberus is easy for a 2-musketeer team with a Scout
BTW what timezone are you in?
(Silver, some retard lured it there a few days ago >=P)
(Oh and Guruji, the megatalts are worth 600vis
I killed it for you. I think I saw you, I tried to whisper you. I used a scout, elementalist, and a fighter. I lured it away. =]. Forzen clouded it, and used the 2nd last skill for backguard on it.
Silver: lvl 90 dragon!? Yikes, where was this? Lol.
Guruji: Nice.
Fenny: That sucks D: . . . what about using BT to dl? It’ll take ages but at least you’ll get the game.
Ganzicus: Ya, that’s what he was called, lol. I’m in the Mountain timezone.
eliteguard: That was you? Thanks (^__^) . . . I never got your whisper. I was lagging too badly. DX
(wants to play)
It was at that place right before the waypoint to one of the dungeons . . .
Damn, why do the dungeons’ names have to be so complicated. >>;
Has it been cleared? D:
Also, I saw this level 90 wolf thing. Now that I have no way to solve. 5-6k damage per hit.
How do you take SS of GE?
And I was like in some kinda war. Call it a KS war in Grenada heheheh.
I set it on Patrol and so did the other 5 familys and it was just random killings all over.
Level 90 things when you’re way below that level are scary D:
wolfguy: You asked this in another blog of mine. Read the tag, please. Granado Espada.
benzon: Press printscreen key, and it should save it in x: . . . Granado Espadareleasescreenshot, where “x” is your harddrive, and “. . .” could be Program Files or whatever directory you installed it to. Hope that helps.
Level 90 things when you’re way below that level are scary D:
wolfguy: You asked this in another blog of mine. Read the tag, please. Granado Espada.
benzon: Press printscreen key, and it should save it in x: -> . . . ->Granado Espada->release->screenshot, where “x” is your harddrive, and “. . .” could be Program Files or whatever directory you installed it to. Hope that helps.
lol double post!
Yay! I completed the Save Ramiro’s Girlfriend Quest
made a scout!
and wow for me I lag horrilbly, seriously talked to only like 5 NPC’s to buy stuff(took me an hour!)
~LaZzz. . .
Ya, it does that sometimes when I try to edit. (-_-)
Yup, I expect more lag in the coming days/weeks as more people get out of school. Lol.