Wow, I got lucky, cos I almost forgot about 2x exp. But at the moment I logged in, I saw “2x exp event starts now!” on my screen. I was incredibly happy. I got my little blade-to-be to level 30.
My assist is still lvl 41, but after lvling my merc I decided to level her. But first I needed to come blog about this other stuff before I forget about it, lol.
The first thing was, some guy came up to me and goes, “can you plvl me please?” . . . at least he asked nicely. But I was planning to go as soon as I levelled and I told him this. So he went around asking everyone else in the area (redmantis) if they could plvl him. Now, in the time that he spent asking for plvls, he could have gained a level. But noes, that’s too much work apparently. (>_>);
So after that, I got bugged by this little merc, probably no more than level 20, asking me for buffs. I repeat: he asked me for buffs. And he wouldn’t stop. He just kept following me, going, “buff pls pls, buff pls pls” like a broken record.
I finally finished killing a mob for the 5th time during this and said to him, “(o_O) Do I look like an assist to you?” . . . and he got quiet and then he found a real assist and began the “buff pls pls” routine to him. Haha then he died to an aggro and was like “noooo~! buff pls pls!”. Why, little nooblet, why? (shakes head)
I at least came into the game knowing who the assists were, and I’ve never asked a mage or any other class for buffs. But most players aren’t like me; they don’t thoroughly research the game they plan to play. Especially if they’ve been waiting for it to get out of closed beta forever (like me). Oh well, at least that nooblet gave me a good laugh tonight. (^o^)v
I thought it was so weird he was asking me, a merc . . . lol usually only mages get asked for buffs other than assists.
Okay, back to levelling~! I really want to be lvl 60 with my assist but I doubt that’s possible. . . gotta sleep sometime (-_-).
When assists buff me or save me from certain death, I go insane.
Its a sign of gratitude, boy.
Gratitude? That’s taking it a bit far >.>
Ok ok.
Insanity AND gratitude.
And of course, the bit of drool.
What drool?!
I dunno, wobbly chin drool?
Lmao, you guys.