14 thoughts on “ms bf/gf”

  1. Yes it is wrong to have one unless you know him/her irl and you feel about eachother the SAME way.

  2. Online dating is kind of for losers. xD I have no respect for online dating. If you know him/her in real life though, it’s all good because the computer just becomes a spiffy form of communication. But seriously, if you’re dating somebody online exclusively, you need a life.

  3. im not dating someone online >< , what if your best friend in real life is dating someone online o.o

  4. ROFL this is the first blog i seen someone post about online gf/bf,

    Its all about LOVE and you cant find LOVE online -_-

  5. Then the person in question is exceedingly stupid and should be taser’d out of the gene pool.

    Having, or looking for, Maple girl/boyfriends is one of the most noobish, disturbing things you can do online, IMO. Giving out personal information is even stupider. Therefore this person in question is stupid enough to be held accountable for any crap that they are visited by, including, but not limited to, stalkers, clingy whiners and loser-dom in general. Oh, wait. They gave out their info. There you go; one loser meeting another.

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