Worst Scrolling Luck EVER!

Well, probably not the WORST, but pretty dam bad. . .
First, in MSea, my friend and I spent about 1mil on WG scrolls (Dex) but we had a lot of PQ’s so we dodged a bullet there. We ended up with TWO Work Glove (+1)s (0 slots left), worthless. . .

Then I finally got my Rogue/Sin (Actually my friends character, but she doesn’t play much) to lvl 30! Did the sauna robe quest, and finally used the scrolls waiting in my inventory!

I had NINE 10%s and ONE 60%!
9/10 Scrolls failed… Only ONE 10% worked! There’s only like a 1/10 chance of ALL of them FAILING! That’s the same chance as at least ONE working!

I had planned on using those robes as my lvl 30 equips, but now they’re worthless, and I had to buy the regular equips…

I’m now down over 2mil. . .

If anyone in Broa wants a Sauna Robe (+1 Female) Hp+10, Def 35, M.Def 3
Or in Aquila, a Work Glove (+1) Dex+3, Acc+5
Find me. . .

7 thoughts on “Worst Scrolling Luck EVER!”

  1. Scrolling is hard though. I have been scrolling good, but after that scroll effect thing came out, I’ve been unlucky. I hate you scroll effects! (””(‘,, ,’)/””) <<< Rawr!


  2. “9/10 Scrolls failed, Only ONE 10% worked! There’s only like a 1/10 chance of ALL of them FAILING! That’s the same chance as at least ONE working!

    sorry, i think your math is a little confusing there. the chance of all 10 10% scrolls failing is given by 0.9^10, which is a 34.86784401% chanse.
    the chance of exaclty one 10% scroll working is given by 7[(.9^9)x(.1)], which comes out to a 27.11943423%

    All 10% scrolls failing is THE MOST LIKELY thing to happen,although it happens less than half the time. what i said befre was that you have about a 35% chance for all 10 scrolls to fail and a 27% chance for 9/10 scrolls to succed. each better result after that is less likely, and the chance of all 10 working is a 00.00000001% chance, exactly.

  3. Moreover, the Ninja welcomes you as a friend.

    Your spicy commentary and quick wit are to his liking.

    ~The Ninja

  4. Awe, I feel your pain. I have bad luck scrolling anything with 60% and 10% scrolls.

    I used to have good luck while I was in my 40’s, but after messing a lot of equipment in my later levels, I just gave up on trying to scroll with either of the two types of scrolls.

    Now I either use 100% scrolls or I buy items that are readily enchanted. I think this way is just cheaper and less of a hassel.

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