Uber Yayz

Yayz! I finally reached my goal of level 50! (It was actually a few days ago, but I’d rather post today!)
Do you know WHY? Heehee! It’s my birthday today! Yippee!
I actually forgot it was my brithday until my friend reminded me (Haha, such a great friend!)

Now that I’m level 50, I can explore Zombies and stuff! It was fun!

Death #1
I went with my guild to Pianus (Doom Flounder) and we searched forever to find it! (We didn’t know exactly where it was -_-&quot And my friend Mebe (Cleric) swam into one of the pointy red rock things. So I started attacking it, and it did all these weird things and it hit me for 2k damage, and killed my friends who were standing near it!

Death #2
We all went back and found Pianus, it was great! It was so laggy I could barely see anything, but I took 3 hits! First hit from a beam, took me to 1/2 Hp, seconds hit from something (I couldn’t see due to lag) got me to like 10 Hp, last hit I ran into it and died (Haha) My other friend (The whole guild is made of close friends) Shy, tried attacking it and just got owned! XD

Death #3
Later that night, our guild leader (And my best friend) logged on, and I wanted to show him Pianus! So, you can guess how that turned out *cough*Death #3*cough*

Death #4
So, anyway, it was part of my goal to try to train on Zombies with Jaq at level 50! So we climbed El Nath and headed toward the Coolies. Early in our ascent, I thought it was a good idea to attack a Dark Jr. Yeti, it was okay, but then it got bigger and I got an even better idea to try to kill that! Killed in one hit! XD

Death #5
I ran as fast as I could back from El Nath and got back to where Jaq was. So we continued up, and I had yet ANOTHER great idea to get revenge for my death! Luckily I survived (Haha, you thought I’d die!) Soon we reached the Coolies, and we searched for an empty map (A lot of the maplers there are EBIL!) It didn’t take TOO long to find one, and we started training. It was okay, I could kill them (Some people said I’d get owned) and I managed to train almost effectively (maybe not yet) But I didn’t get any exp from Jaq’s kills =(
Oh ya, you wanted to hear my die right? Ok. So, we kept going, to the firey place that hurts people. And we started to kill a few doggy-things. They weren’t so tough! =D But then there was a big dog-thing, and Jaq had to kill them because I couldn’t take many hits. Then it did this funny thing and killed me in one hit. =(
So since El Nath was so far away, I decided to not come back…

Lets see, what else happened? Oh, I was helping my friend level (She doesn’t play very often) and that went pretty well, she leveled like 3 times XD
I went to my friend’s house, and his sister (also my friend =D) was playing MapleStory, and she leveled (finally got her level 25 gear) And her PermaNoob leveled too (still in work, doesn’t play much, level 20)
And I was up late last night training my Bandit. I have a curse where I RARELY use Mp pots (like, 1 per week) because my first character was a mage, and they hardly use pots) so Jaq let me try his Assasin, and it was SO HARD to kill things without a reflex of spamming pots! So he broke the curse, and now I can level easier! My Bandit was at 95% (I thought it’d be more dramatic if he leveled today)

So, yea, that’s like 3 days of Maple and a Birthday all stuffed in one blog! =D Sorry I forgot to take screenies, but I have a few (all of which are floating corpses)

14 thoughts on “Uber Yayz”

  1. death#2: you mustve gotten hit by pianus beam, then that fire wall, and crashed into him/her/it/w/e. sound like fun for that lvl
    death#5: you mustve gotten hit by a cerebes using its ground pound. just jump, no worrys (next time).

  2. Happy Birthday! Is her PermaNoob in Windia? If so. . . Is it Liiv? Cuz I know Liiv. I’m not sure if she’s level 20 or not though.

  3. Happy happy birthday!~ *throws a cake in your face* =D Yay! (I always wanted to get a cake thrown in my face for some reason. O-o;
    Grats on 50 too! I took me forever to get to 50 before, I was always too lazy to train. o.0
    Yay for SUSHI! =D

    -Yun >__>;;

  4. my b-day is on the 6th of sept, hopin to go ATLEAST lvl 36 by then, maybe 35(on my fighter)

  5. Happy Birthday!

    I love dying randomly like that. Sounds like you had a great time XD

  6. whoooooo! happy b day (how old?) anyway yeah DF would make great sushi XD I can see it now he drops nothing but sushi that heals like 5k XDXDXD, or maybe thats too high, hmmm

  7. Happy birthday ^^ I wish I could have as much fun as you did in ‘dying’. But the last time I suicided in the Aqua Dungeons, I didn’t even know what was happening. But it was fun, watching the pros there pwning the monsters.

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