The fight is on, and there is already a winner. If you’ve been to BasilMarket, you might know that I’ve posted this before, however it went “poof” and ran away.
And, I don’t like posting on BasilMarket, nobody there actually READS the post before replying “I r lvl 999 u r nob”
So, anyway, to the point. EVERYBODY know’s Savage Blow, it’s a Bandit skill that hits an enemy 6 times when maxed. Ok, time for some MATH! MUAHAHAHAHA!
Savage Blow does 80% damage x 6 using 27 Mp.
For the example, the character does EXACTLY 100 damage, and has 100% master (Remember, EXAMPLE)
So 80% of 100 = 80 (Duh)
80 x 6 = 480
So, using 27 Mp, it deals 480 damage.
Now, with Double Stab it does 130% damage x 2 using 14 Mp.
130 x 2 = 260
But of course 14 is less than 27, so to make it more even:
14 x 2 = 28
260 x 2 = 520 (We’re using Double Stab twice to even out the Mp usage)
So Savage Blow uses 27 Mp and does 480 damage
Double Stab uses 28 Mp and does 520 damage
I think we can tell who the winner is.
Now, lets go even further, the enemy now has whatever def, so that it removes 30 damage.
So now, Savage Blow does:
480 – (30 x 6)
=480 – 180
And Double Stab Does
520 – (30 x 4) (We’re using Double Stab twice to even out the Mp usage)
=520 – 120
As you can see, with Savage Blow the def is applied 6 times, while with Double Stab, it is only applied 2 times (4 times in the example, you know why.)
We CLEARLY see, that Savage Blow is completely USELESS. The only thing that MIGHT be of use about it, is you can dish out low damage fast. Whoop-dee-doo!
Why does everyone think its so great?
Ok, now I have a question for you. I have a Bandit, and I’m thinking of skipping Savage Blow all together (Kinda late since I have 7 points in it…) Should I skip it? I’ll do oodles more damage (Using less Mp total) than bandits with savage Blow.
And if I skip it, what should I max after Dagger Mastery?
wow nice work
ur good at math xD
time conservation =
and savage blow looks cool =)
Savage blow has a much larger range.
And 1 savage blow is faster than 2 double stabs. Making your logic useless as the average damage output per minute with Savageblow is far higher than with Double Stab.
Good point. I’ve thought about that. Even though it IS faster, I’m not too sure if doing crumby damage fast is all that great. Sure, DoubleStab is a tad slower, but if it saves Mp in the long run and does more damage, wouldn’t that be more valuable than rapidly burning Mp and not getting as much in return? It seems as though people prefer speed over efficiency + damage + less Mp usage.
Unfortunaltly, the Damage-Mana ratio isnt as practical as the Damage-Time ratio.
time or money? you decide =
well, many people power lvl, and with SB, you can use maxed haste, jump over a yeti while blowing massive damage without even touching that dam thing.
These two attacks have many differences, and I rather go with Savage Blow.
Double Stab
-Yes it may do more damage after time, but what about its range? Double Stab’s range sucks. Face it
-Costs less mp, But this is for those who are poor. I don’t know about you, but my bandit is lvl 38 and has 2.8mil and I use savage blow quite often.(First Character On Windia)
-I don’t think Dagger Booster affects double stab, or does it?(If it does its still useless)
-Bandits are being ksed enough already. Dont you think you would get even more ksed taking so long to kill a monster among the higher levels?
Savage Blow
-Looks hecka cooler
-With dagger booster, its the ownage.
-Has more range, better to use when hunting small monsters or flying monsters.
-Unique skill <—-lol
Clearly there if you want to save money go with Double Stab. If you want EXP faster, then go with Savage Blow.
However I’d rather be poor then take forever to level up
This is my opinion and to those who must, Go ahead and flame me.
cool just use sb then use a regular atk
I agree that Double Stab does more damage, but Savage Blow can do even more damage with a success rate.
Ok, for example, you have a lv 40 Bandit(Pure, Maxed Savage Blow first) with the perfect stats (4 STR, 80 DEX, 4 INT, and 138 LUK)
and an average Korean Fan (50 Attack) I used Hidden-Street’s calculator and found out that he/she had an attack range of 64~290.
For Double Stab, 64 times 1.3 equals 83.2 and 290 times 1.3 equals 377.0. For Savage Blow, 64 times .8 equals 51.2 and 290 times .8 equals 232.0.
Now let’s even the MP usage and attacks. For Double Stab, 83.2 times 2 equals 166.4 and 377.0 times 2 equals 754. For Savage Blow, 51.2 times 6
equals 307.2 and 232 times 6 is 1392. Next, Subtract the range for each attack. 754-166.4=587.6 and 1392-307.2=1084.8. Subtract the difference
of both ranges. 1084.8-587.6=497.2. Now, 497.2/1084.8 is the chance Savage Blow will outpower Double Stab. Round both numbers and you get
500/1100. Multiply the fraction by 9(Rounding to 100%) 4500/9900 is the product. Simplify the fraction and get 45/99.
In the End, BOTH attacks are superior though Double Stab only gets 1-2% more of outpowering Savage Blow.
About the above post.
Well, I read it like 3 times, and I think I understand what you’re saying. THANK YOU for being the ONLY person to actually explain yourself.
I think.
*goes away dazed from the maths* wow.
So Savage Blow wins ^_^ Use ALL your variables next time
-# of attacks
-and range and theres more
Uhh, Ok, I’m not really sure I understand most of that (1×2=200?)
But I didn’t use number of attacks, but you can’t really calculate that, since it depends on so many different things. The example had 100% master to make life simple. I find that time doesn’t make too much difference, but if it did, sure, you can do more Savage Blows, but why use 2 Savage Blows if 1 Double Stab can do the work. And I never have any problems with range. o.O
Savage BLow is better, faace it your math is wrong, damage aint everything
Double Stabb take about 1second to do, and savage blows takes about 1.7 seconds,
100×2=200 seconds to do 100 doube stabbs
1.7×100= 170 seconds to do 100 savage blows, 301.7= 17.64,
in about 200 seconds you can:
Use Doube Stabb about: 100 times
Use Savage blow about 117.64 times
100x= 52000 dmg in 100 seconds
117.64×480=56467.2 dmg
You make 4467.2 more dmg wich can make a diffrence and im to lazy o do MP now,
And this is only if you have great spawn + Savage Blows range will make even more kills