Tricks Of The Trade-4

“Pics for forum” scam

I go ttricked by this once.

Mapler- looking for someone with good (types item here) to help me gt pics for a forum!!
You-ok i’ll help!
Mapler- K come with me. (I got scammed in a weapon shp..)
In most weapon shops theres a spot in th upper right corner where they cant see your name or you.
Mapler- Ok go up by the upper right corner and drop the item.
after the maple takes a few pictures he says ok one more!
He says, drop your best item.
You drop yor item and the guy in the upper right comes ut takes it and runs.

moral-1.Never fall for forum pitures unless you trust that person. 2. Always check upper right corner for people.3. on’t even say ok to these scams because they people who ask u for “help” might vack hack.

thanks for reading! see ya next time!

2 thoughts on “Tricks Of The Trade-4”

  1. There is one simple way to avoid scamming: Never drop any of your items, unless you really want to lose it.


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