Rapid Drops

Yea, I’m kinda bored, so, yea.

Anyway, I don’t know why, but ever since a few patches ago, no matter where I go, what I kill, which character I use, I get drops like crazy! Like, when on my Perma-Noob, (Kills orange mushrooms) I got like 4 spears (All above average) and like 2 of them were in a row! And a bunch of other warrior stuff.
On my Cleric, I got a ton of lvl 30 suff from random Aquaroad. And 3 lvl 40 equips (2 were for Warrior). And other stuff on other characters which I just don’t feel like naming.

What’s MOST weird is my bandit. From training around boars I’ve gotten:
-5 Sets of weighted earrings
-Steel Grieves (or some Warrior item like that)
-Lvl 35 shield
-Lvl 35 claw
-Lvl 16 boots

I know that isn’t a lot, and none of it is particularly that good, but still, they were all gotten pretty fast. Maybe I should go hunt for something more rare *Evil Smile*
*Runs off to go play MapleStory*
*Runs up a tree*
*Realizes he didn’t have to leave the computer*
*Also realizes he can’t defy gravity*

5 thoughts on “Rapid Drops”

  1. *Realizes that he made the biggest mistake in his life by leaving his girl friend*
    *cries uncontrolably*
    *turns emo*
    *joins terrorist group*
    *goes to Baghdad*
    *gets in to a car to do mission thingy*
    *the car blows up*

    —– all because of maplestory

    well, ya, i got like, 7 steel ores and 5 gold ores in just an hour, 2 dex crystals in only an hour XD

    – VanillaPocki –

  3. Yea, the drops have gone up like crazy, since Aqua Road came (And it’s on purpose) and the drops have changed too (Ewil Wing from yeti. . . Drools) It’s now the same as kMS and jMS! 😀


  4. I got a level 35 hat from Leattys, and I killed like 25 of them -__- for that snow crystal quest or something.

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