New Patch Ain’t All That

Oi, my first blog and it’s gonna be a rant, yippee. Sorry about how long it is, but SOMEBODY has to say it!

Anyway, the patch began yesterday (Actually it was REALLY early today at like 3:00 my time). My friend and I were so excited! But it lasted for about 5 hours so… Yea… Once again, yippe.
Sure Aquaroad came out, so everyone is happy-go-lucky and prancing around saying “Oh em gee one one yayz.” And so my patch too about half an hour to upload, and while I was waiting, my friend who was infinitly more intelligent than me told me that he manually downloaded the patch yesterday.

So, he was already at Orbis waiting to go to Aquaroad. He opened his skill book, and “what’s this?” he found a third list of skills! Beginner skills!


Beginners are the 10 levels before getting a job. They are not supposed to have skills. They should be learning how to jump and hunt, not running around saying “Why can’t I use ‘Three Snails?'”
That’s right, the three skills known to Beginners are:

Three Snails – It’s just chuck(Norris)ing a snail shell. This is like a noob version of being an Assasin. If noobs wanted to throw stuff, why not just become a thief?

Recovery – It’s basically regaining Hp as if you were standing around, except you don’t have to stand around. If you aren’t patient enough to wait 10 seconds, why not use a potion? They’re only 50 mesos!

Nimble Feet – A poor man’s version of Haste. There are SO many things I can point out that make this skill utterly useless.

WHY did Wizet give Beginner Skills? That just RUINED the whole point of a Perma Noob! The whole reason for making a Perma Noob is because they don’t have skills!

Sure, now a warrior can move around with Nimble Feet, but what’s the point if it only lasts 12 seconds at max? YIPPEE! LETS GO RUN 20% FASTER FOR 12 SECONDS!

Any who’s really going to benefit from a max of 72 Hp after waiting 30 seconds? Is 72 really a lot to players with a thousand Hp? No. Worthless.

The only skill that even comes CLOSE to useful is Three Snails! But even then, who’s that going to help? Most noobs can already do 40 damage, which is the damage of maxed Three Snails! It uses Red Snails Shells when maxed, REALLY, who carries red snail shells around with them? Now noobs and pros alike will be prancing around ksing each other trying to hoard snail shells. This is going to cause MORE ksing!
Sure, some of you will say, “Well, the point is that pros will buy from the noobs giving them more money!” Well they WON’T since even the noobs will be collecting them!
And about the damage, who really needs 40 damage? You’d need 100 shells to kill King Slime, who’s really going to dish out one hundred 40 damages to kill King Slime? (Don’t ask why, he’s the example)
Warriors are the only class that will need the range of it (Except Bandits, but they at least have haste) and if it only does 40 damage, the Warrior would be better off walking over and lopping the enemy’s head off!

*Anti-Edit* I said before that you get booted after 5 hours, but I had no solid proof except some people tell me, (It turns out they just lagged and disconnected -_-&quot So i experimented and played for about 10 hours, no boot. So, yes, that booting feature is false. Thanks to anyone who helped clear that up.

That’s enough for now. However, if any of you wish to know about the facial expressions, you can fix it by opening the key config and pressing “Default.” You’ll have to move everything around again, and set the keys for your skills, but you’ll be smiling again.

Go ahead, flame away.

7 thoughts on “New Patch Ain’t All That”

  1. The 72HP thing is useful for those too lazy to by Air Bubbles in Aqua Land or the Porridges in El nath >_>

  2. ……………………………………, /:::::/
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    THE SNAIL THINGY DOES LOW DMG( well for like lvl at least 12 or sumtin ), BUT IT’S RANGED, WHICH IS THE ONLY THING GOOD ABOUT IT

  3. No, They gave the skills to let begginners know about skills, because after most begginners learn to use stat points wizely, they go get a job and go OMGEE WAS DIS SKILLZ LETS PUT IT IN ENERGYBOLT>oneone

    they just want begginners to learn how to allocate skills to hot keys.

  4. Actually, the 5 hour thing isn’t exactly true, I played for 12-13 hours yesterday, and I didn’t get kicked once haha. Big surprise. No really. XD But yeah, I totally agree with you on everything else.

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